Page 17 of Shattered Skull
I nodded, agreeing to stay away from the skull and his crew. I doubted I would even see him again, and if I did, I had no problem whatsoever staying away from him.
The night went on, the sounds of the bikes somehow becoming soothing and the heated fuel-filled air wrapping around me like a warm hug. Once the races were over, the guys started doing tricks and stunts. I had never seen anything like it. Riders standing on their back tires. Riders doing handstands on their seats. It was all so dangerous, and my anxiety was high for them, yet I found myself smiling, and my heart pumping with delight.
I peeked over at my brother to make sure he was still there and doing okay. Each time he seemed to have his arm around a different girl, and his body was slouching more and more. I could tell from where I stood, he was drunk, which meant I would be driving him home even though I hated driving.
I shook my head at his antics and tried not to let it get to me. I missed Erik from before the divorce. He was always social, but never a douche. Seeing him hanging on different women and looking like a wannabe player made him precisely that. I wanted my brother back. The brother I could talk to—the one who understood my anxiety and would let me cry on his shoulder.
The guy he was now was a stranger to me some days.
I blinked and turned away, too sick with disgust over the guy he was becoming, but the minute I looked away from Erik, a commotion broke out. A crowd of people was running in my brother’s direction. It wasn’t until the group started to circle my brother’s car that I started in that direction too.
I moved quickly toward the crowd, in a rush to make sure my brother was okay, but when I got there, I couldn’t get through the people to see what was going on in the center. I pushed through, shouldering my way in even though panic and claustrophobia were setting in.
I couldn’t breathe. There were too many people, and they were touching me even if they didn’t even notice me. Finally, I broke through the crowd and made it to the center. I pulled in a deep breath to stop the spinning and then took in the scene in front of me.
Aiken Cross and his boys, the Sons of Sinister as Zada had called them, were standing around my brother and yelling at him. I couldn’t hear what they were saying over the crowd, but Erik didn’t seem to be backing down from them.
Things moved in slow motion as the Skull moved in close to my brother, grabbed him by the collar, and punched him directly in the face. Blood splattered, and Erik reached up and covered his nose. I screamed for them to stop, but no one could hear me over the screams of excitement, and the group chanting for more.
The Joker stepped forward, pointing his finger in Erik’s face while he glared down at him with ice blue eyes. However, just as quickly as it started, it was over. The crowd pulled back and began to go back to their spots, and I was able to move in closer.
Erik was on his knees on the ground and the guys cleared from around him. I moved toward him, but before I could get to his side, the blonde from school helped him up and put him into the passenger’s side of his car. She looked capable and sober, but I couldn’t tell from where I was standing. I tried to move closer to his car, but when she climbed behind the steering wheel and shut the door, she pulled away like someone was chasing them.
I wasn’t sure what the hell happened, but when I turned to see where the Sons were going, all I saw was the glow of their neon lights when they took off from The Strip.
As soon as my brother’s taillights disappeared, I pulled my phone from my pocket and texted him.
Me: Are you ok?
Erik: Yep.
Me: What was that about?
Erik: What?
Me: I know you saw me there. The fight. What happened?
Erik: Just a misunderstanding
I wasn’t sure I believed him, but I didn’t want to push until we were faced to face.
Me: Where are you going? Are you going home?
Erik: I’m ok. I’m with Casey. She’s sober. No worries.
So, the blonde’s name was Casey. Good to know.
Me: That’s not what I asked you.
Erik: Stop stressing. Promise I’m good. Love you.
I sighed. My brother was going to be the death of me.
Me: Text if you need me. Love you too.
I shook my head, annoyed with him since he wouldn’t give me any more information, but at least he was safe and with someone he said was sober.