Page 62 of Shattered Skull
It was a good thing she understood that. Maybe she would be stronger than me and could stay away. Perhaps she had more willpower when it came to her cravings. Addiction was in my blood, and I knew all I would need was a tiny taste of her, and it would be over for me. I would indulge and fill myself with her sweetness until I overdosed on it, leaving nothing but a trail of black behind me.
“And you’re bad for me,” I said.
It was the truth.
Since she had popped up out of nowhere, I couldn’t focus on what was important. I stopped thinking about racing and being the best. Making money was pushed to the back burner while I simmered on all things Everly on the front.
My dream of owning my shop, which was something I once thought about constantly, was the second thing that entered my mind when I woke in the mornings. It was all things Everly, and I knew that wasn’t healthy for anyone.
“Maybe you should stay away from me,” I suggested, hoping she would latch onto the idea and run with it.
Save herself from me.
“If only it were that easy,” she slurred.
Her eyelids were heavy, her posture weak, and I knew it wasn’t going to be long before she passed out. The thought barely entered my mind when her knees shook and buckled beneath her. She dropped, and I caught her in my arms seconds before she hit the floor.
Even though I knew it was a terrible idea, I laid her on my bed and stood back as she snuggled into my blanket. She began humming something, the soft melody moving toward me and caressing my face like a kiss. She looked beautiful, lying there with her eyes closed and a secret smile on her plump lips.
I moved in closer, listening to what she was humming. It took a second for me to figure out that she was singing happy birthday to herself.
“Everly,” I said, setting my hand on her arm.
“Is it your birthday?”
She nodded, her luscious curls tangling in my pillow.
She hadn’t mentioned it to Zada. If she had, there would have been a lot more partying going on. Most girls celebrated their birthday like it was a major holiday, but not Everly. She was quiet about it, doing nothing special on a day dedicated to her. Her birthday was special. She needed to know that.
“Happy birthday, Everly,” I said, running my finger along her soft cheek.
Capturing the curl closest to her ear, I wrapped it around my finger and enjoyed its texture.
She didn’t respond.
Instead, she thanked me with a soft snore.
She had passed out.
I didn’t go back to the party. Instead, I sat in the chair across from my bed and watched Everly sleep, her body wrapped in my blanket, and her soft skin pressed against my pillow. I liked her in my bed. When she was in my space, she was safe. No one was hitting on her or fucking with her. My brain felt at peace, and I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.
I had blown my load in Carmen’s mouth the second my eyes connected with Everly. I was trying to get her out of my mind by unloading with another woman, but really, I had spent the entire time imagining it was Everly on her knees in front of me. Looking up at me with her innocent eyes while her sweet plump lips were wrapped around my cock.
It had been one of the best blow jobs I ever had, and it had nothing to do with Carmen and her wicked tongue and lack of gag reflex.
The house grew quiet as the party ended until the sounds disappeared, and I could only hear her soft breaths as she slept. My eyes grew heavy, and my head began to nod and jerk as I kept waking myself. I couldn’t fight off sleep much longer, but there was no way I could sleep in the chair all night. I wouldn’t be able to move the next day.
Instead, I stripped my clothes off and pulled on a pair of sweats. Most nights, I slept naked, but I didn’t want to take that kind of chance. Not to mention, I wasn’t sure how she would react if she woke up with my hard cock in her face. And it would be hard for sure with her in my bed.
I climbed into bed beside Everly, and her heat prickled at my skin. She moved into me, her warm body sending a wave of tingles over me. I relaxed into her, letting my hard cock dig into her plump ass, and then for the first time in my life, I fell asleep next to a woman.
21 Everly