Page 89 of Shattered Skull
“He’s in jail.”
Shit. I had heard a few of the Border Lords had gotten popped and were doing time. I guess her brother was one of them. I supposed she was driving it while he was locked up.
She pulled away from me, and I let her go. I wouldn’t push anymore since she was so upset, but I would find out who hurt her. I knew the right people—people who knew more than I did about what was going on, on the streets around Atlanta. Somebody would know something.
Again, I scanned her face, my heart feeling heavy with dread and pain at seeing her so bruised. I took in the rest of her, making sure she wasn’t hurt anywhere else, and that was when I saw her bag packed by the front door. Beside her bag were grocery bags with what looked like road trip snacks.
“Are you going somewhere?” I asked, my heart dropping yet again at the thought of her leaving.
What if she was going back to Seattle?
With her brother in jail and no relationship with her mom, what was she really leaving behind? Maybe she had friends or family back in Washington, and now that she had a way to get there, she was going to go home.
She nodded her head. “Yeah.”
“Where are you going?” My voice broke over the words, and they came out strangled.
“I think it’s time to spread my dad’s ashes. I don’t want to take any more chances of something happening to them. He wanted them sprinkled over the pacific, so I’m headed west.”
I swallowed, my throat feeling so tight I was sure I was going to choke. “Are you coming back?”
She nodded. “Yeah. I’ll be gone a bit, though. I saved enough to get me there and back.”
“Is Zada going?”
“No. I didn’t even ask her.”
“You’re driving across the United States alone?”
“Yeah, but I’ll be fine. I have my cell, and the car is practically brand new.”
She was out of her mind if she thought she was going to drive across the country alone. It was dangerous. Anything could happen to her.
“Then I’m going with you,” I said.
Her eyes went wide. “Excuse me?”
I had a ton of shit going on. I had just told my brother I couldn’t go to Florida with him because I was too busy and so close to reaching my goal, but this was different. Everly wasn’t going on vacation. She was going to spread her father’s ashes.
There would be no talking her out of it. Plus, I could use the drive time to get answers from her. I wanted to know who hurt her, and I wasn’t going to let it go.
“I’m not going to let you drive across the US alone. That’s crazy and dangerous.”
She shook her head in annoyance and chuckled without humor. “You won’tletme?”
“You heard me.”
She could get mad all she wanted. I didn’t give a fuck how pissed she was as long as I was in the car with her.
“There’s no way I’m driving across the country with you. We would do nothing but argue.”
I shrugged. “Maybe, but at least I would be there to make sure you’re safe.”
She ran her fingers through her curls in aggravation. “You’re not going.”
Reaching out, I snatched the car keys from her and started back toward my bike.
“Hey! Give me my keys!” she called out.