Page 129 of Heartless Hunter
For you, yes.
She bit down on her lip again, thinking. “And you’ll dance with me?”
“That’s a given.”
“What if we fight all the time?”
“I’d rather fight with you than do most other things.”
Her forehead pinched in surprise. “You would?”
“Yes.” He dragged the bridge of his nose across her cheekbone, breathing in her soapy scent. “And after we’re done fighting, I’ll take you to bed, and we’ll reconcile. In fact, I think we should fight every day just so we can make up every night.”
Gideon felt her breath quicken. She liked the sound of that.
He was wearing her down.
“You won’t come to resent me?” she whispered.
“For what?” His breath tangled with hers.
“For being shallow and silly.”
“You aren’t those things, Rune.”
She wrinkled her nose. “Sometimes I will be.”
“Sometimes I’ll be a brute. Can you handle that?”
Rune cocked her head. “I think so.” A small smile tugged at her mouth. “Yes.” She ran her hands up his chest and over his shoulders, sliding her fingers into his hair.
“Do you need more persuading?”
“Mmm, yes please,” she murmured, tugging his mouth down to hers. “Try using fewer words this time.”
Gideon laughed against her lips, then hiked her onto his hips and carried her back to the bed.
THE NEXT MORNING, GIDEONwoke to a sleeping Rune tucked against his chest. Right where she was supposed to be. Her rose-gold hair spilled across the white pillows, and from this close, he could count every freckle speckling her shoulders.
He’d half expected to wake in an empty bed, every trace of her gone. Or, worse, discover he’d dreamt it.
But she was still here. And it feltright. Like she belonged in his bed, curled up against him.
Touching his lips to her shoulder, Gideon breathed her in.
Rune didn’t wear the artificial perfumes so popular among the New Republic’s elite. She didn’t smell like lilacs or jasmine or roses; she smelled like herself. Like standing at the edge of the bluffs after a storm. Like a gulp of fresh sea air.
Gideon wanted to inhale her.
Rune stirred, her grip tightening on the sheets between them. Gideon froze, watching her forehead crease in a frown. Like she was having an unpleasant dream. He wanted to touch his thumb to that crease. Gently rub it away.
Rune tried to cuddle closer. She slid her leg between both of his and bent her knee, hooking them tighter together. Satisfied, she fell still again, drifting deeper.
I’m afraid you’ll be the end of me.
Gideon wanted to convince her that she couldn’t be more wrong.
He waited until she was fast asleep again before gently untangling their legs and carefully removing himself from the bed. After dressing, he finally tore his eyes away from her to brewhimself a cup of coffee. Then he strode downstairs and into his parents’ old studio.