Page 53 of Heartless Hunter
“Not too far. She’s being held at the old mine near Seldom Harbor.”
“I see.” Rune’s lips pressed into a pout as her fingers dropped to the next button. “There’s a masked ball at the Creeds’ tonight. You could meet me there afterward.”
Gideon struggled to keep his hands to himself. The wool of the blanket itched against his palms.
“I’ll try my best.”
Her mouth curved to the side as she released the button without undoing it. Before pushing off the table, though, she leaned in toward him and the bridge of her nose grazed his cheekbone.
“Thank you for the dress, Gideon.”
His name on her lips sent a tremor through him. His hands clenched. He wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer.
“My pleasure,” he murmured.
When she pulled away and turned to get dressed, he decided against watching her shimmy back into her trousers, choosing to tidy up instead.
AFTER APPEARING BRIEFLY ATCharlotte’s luncheon, Rune raced back to Wintersea House, grinning the entire way. Not even the gray clouds on the horizon could dampen her mood.
It had been so easy! Rune couldn’t believe how quickly Gideon had given up Seraphine’s whereabouts. She’d had to get nearly naked, but still.
Worth it.
Gideon, she decided,wasthe suitor she’d accept.
It was only as she burst through the doors of her bedroom and quickly started changing that she recalled what he’d said about the youngest witch queen.
Cressida would never have let me work for you.
Her fingers slowed on the laces of her riding trousers.
The night of that party, I was being punished.
He hadn’t elaborated. And Rune had no way of knowing what the truth was. Perhaps he was being punished for some truly heinous deed. Or perhaps he was lying.
But Rune remembered the harrowed look in his eyes. The way he’d stepped sharply away at her approach, as if he thought, for a moment, that she was Cressida herself. And he was afraid.
Cress was like that: pretty from a distance, tempting youcloser …It was only after she’d reeled you in that she revealed her true nature. But by then, it was too late. She was already eating you alive.
Rune shivered.
But there were two sides to every story. And since Cressida was dead and couldn’t tell hers, it was unfair to take Gideon at his word.
She banished all thought of him and finished dressing.
Pulling on a hooded sweater, she wondered if she should send a message to Verity. One of her ships was due to leave at dawn, and if she was successful tonight, she intended to put Seraphine on it. It would mean she wouldn’t make it to the Creeds’ party tonight. And if she didn’t, she would need Verity and Alex to come up with an alibi for her.
But to put that in a message risked the information falling into the wrong hands. So, she decided against it and rode straight for Seldom Harbor.
“RUNE WINTERS HAS NOcasting scars,” Gideon told Harrow as they climbed the marble steps together.
Harrow arched a thin brow. “You certainly move fast.”
“It’s not like that,” he said quickly. “I needed her measurements for a dress I’m making her.”