Page 90 of Heartless Hunter
“Speaking of the Moth,” said Harrow, “what happened to your trap? I expected Rune Winters to be imprisoned by now.”
Gideon fisted his hand, remembering how close he’d come down in the mine. “My plan failed. I think we’ve gone down a false trail.”
“Did you take my advice?”
His thoughts raced back to Rune in the garden. It had taken all of his willpower to walk away from her. On the ride home, he’d nearly turned back twice.
The thought of Alex had stopped him.
Gideon blew out a frustrated breath.
Did he regret kissing her? Yes. Absolutely. What kind of man kisses the girl of his little brother’s dreams?
But he alsolikedit.
He thought of Rune on the beach, stripping off her clothes. Letting him look.
Heat flickered deep inside him.
Gideon ran a palm over his eyes, trying to chase the image out of his brain. “I took your stupid advice, yes.”
“You got her naked.”
He looked away as the blood rushed to his face.
Harrow whistled. “Youdomove fast. And?”
He shook his head. “There’s nothing. No scars.”
“But you were thorough?”
“As thorough as I could be.”
“So, you slept with her?”
“What? No.” The thought of it turned the flickering heat into a raging inferno. “No.We went swimming the other night.”
Harrow raised a skeptical brow.
“Ilooked,” Gideon growled. “I found nothing.”
“You said you went at night. How well could you see?”
“Gideon. This is a witch who’s escaped detection for two years now. She won’t keep her scars where anyone can find them. Did you look between her thighs?”
The thought of Rune’s thighs made him grind his palms into his eyes. “Stop.”
“Because if I were a witch hiding in plain sight, that’s definitely where I’d keep mine.”
Gideon groaned. “You’re killing me, Harrow.”
“You need to sleep with her.”
“Absolutely not.”
“Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about it.”