Page 4 of Under His Watchful Eye
She is just staring at her screen with a small smile on her lips. Anna is the ultimate kind of beauty- she is beautiful but oblivious to the fact. Looking at her, the small smile tells me everything I need to know.
She isn’t ignoring me. She is just feeling shy.
I feel a smile touch my lips as I send her another message.
“You look cute today. It makes me want you even more.”
On the screen, she smiles and blushes for a second before her brows crease. She looks like she is thinking too hard and it makes me want to kiss that frown away. She types something, then deletes it, then types it again.
I am not this kind of guy, the guy that fills with warmth at the site of a girl, but Anna makes me that guy- and somehow, I am loving it.
She makes me horny at the sight of her alone, but she also makes me want to hold her close to me and give her comfort. It is a feeling I want to take further and see where it leads if she will let me.
“Like a child?”
I shake my head before I realize she cannot really see me across the screen.
“No. Like a woman.”
She looks at the camera and lets out a laugh. She must know I am looking. I am struck by the sight of her laughing so openly, but I am regretful that I cannot hear the sound of her laughter.
“Thank you.”
I don’t know how to broach the subject, so I just dive into it. I am impatient to have my hands on Anna. My shower and my bed felt empty in the morning and I am eager to remedy that.
“Sure. What if I told you I want to wake up to that face tomorrow morning?”
According to the reluctance she just showed and how she bolted the previous night, I don’t know if what I just did is wise. Something tells me I might just have made a mistake by rushing her, so I poise to send another message to tell her to forget I just said that. Instead, the girl who has surprised me since the quarantine period started goes on to surprise me again.
“I would say make me an offer I can’t resist.”
My heart slams against my chest and I feel giddy with exhilaration.
“Well, if I woke up with you I could finally kiss your lips like I have always wanted.”
Her answer is almost immediate.
“Go on.”
“I would also get to put my mouth on that little bundle of nerves between your legs and suck. Should I go on?”
On the camera, she goes rosy red to the tips of her ears, but she is also grinning a very naughty smile. It takes her a while to respond, but finally she answers.
“Very tempting, though impossible.”
I don’t deal in a world of impossibilities, so I call her. She takes her time answering, but she finally does.
“I am supposed to be working, sir. My boss will be so angry if…”
“Why is it impossible?”
She blinks like she can’t believe me, and then says, “Well, I can’t just come and go because of the quarantine thing.”
She has a point, but she really doesn’t know how much I want her if she thinks that will stop me.
“Then don’t come and go. Come and stay.”
The way her eyebrows hit her hairline is almost comical.
“Surely you are not serious.”
I shrug.”I want you and you want me too. I have a big office space, a spare room if you get tired of me, and I want you here.”
I expect her to say no immediately, but she hesitates, which tells me all I need to know. She is not opposed to staying with me. She just isn’t sure it is a good idea. So before she can change her mind, I quickly write her my home address, tell her to be there at eight o’clock the next morning and end the call.
In my experience, when it comes to emotions, hesitation lets logic seep in. I might not be thinking clearly when it comes to Anna, but I know there is something about her that makes me want to have her all to myself.
Besides, I might like looking at her over the screen, but I am a greedy bastard and I want every inch of her at my disposal. She looks at the camera and mouths the word YES.
There is a call from IT later about the damage that might have already been done, but for the life of me, I can’t bring myself to be that concerned. It feels like I am swimming in a happy sea, and I don’t want to emerge for a breath at all.
Tomorrow morning, I get to have Anna here. The rest I will sort later after we have had our fill of each other.