Page 1 of My Little Girl
Chapter 1
Unknown number:
He’s dead. Here’s your proof.
I stare at my phone, heart pounding.
This is some new scamming trick, it’s gotta be. If they try to send a link, I’m deleting it.
I jerk forward, my phone slipping from my fingers as I flail to regain my balance. A hand snakes out and grips my wrist before I can topple over.
“Shit, I’m so sorry!” Righting myself on my feet, I glance at the person who just plowed into me. Pushing her glasses up her nose, the girl fidgets with the hem of her shirt. “Are you okay? I’m sorry again! I was so distracted by my book I didn’t even notice you.” She waves her hand clutching a worn book apologetically.
My mind finally catches up and I offer her a smile. “I’m fine. Don’t worry, no harm no foul.” I shrug and chuckle.
The girl smiles back, tucking a strand of her ashy blonde hair behind her ear. Shifting on her feet, she looks up the path. “Well, thanks for not being mad. Um, bye!” I don’t have time to respond before she’s off running.
Chuckling to myself, I bend over to pick up my phone. Inspecting it, I’m grateful to find there’s no damage. My screen lights up with a notification.
One new message
Taking a deep breath to steady my nerves, I hover my finger over the alert.
It’s just a scam, remember. Nothing more.
Biting my lip, I press down and wait for the screen to load. The chat pops up and there’s an image under the last message. My fingers shake as I stare down at the tiny photo.
Okay, not a scam. It can’t be what I think it is though, right?
Clicking on the image, my lungs freeze and I can’t remember how to breathe. I clutch the phone in my hands as my knees buckle and I slide to the ground.
Why did someone send me this?Whosent me this? What do they want?
My mind races but I can’t rip my eyes away. The photo looks like it belongs in a horror movie. A decapitated body lies on the ground, blood pooling around the corpse. Next to the body is a photo of today’s newspaper with a driver’s license sitting next to it. My guess would be the deceased’s ID.
As horrific as all that is, the thing that makes my stomach turn isn’t the blood, it isn’t the body. It’s the severed head resting between the corpse’s legs, safety pins lining the mouth with a string running through them and pulling the lifeless lips up into a smile.
Heaving breaths, I close out of the photo. I’m not sure what comes over me as my fingers move to type. I’ve hit the send button before my malfunctioning brain catches up to my actions. Staring at the small screen, I squeak and close the text chat.
Fuck, fuck, fuck. What did I just do?
Clambering to my feet, I rush back to my apartment, glancing over my shoulder the whole way.
Wrong number
Chapter 2
Wrong number
I look back at the encrypted email for the job.