Page 11 of My Little Girl
I’m sure that wasn’t the reaction he was hoping for.
I think bitterly, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.
He lightly grasps my elbow, helping me to stay upright. Worry lining his eyes, he suggests, “Ava, I think you need to go to the hospital.”
I try to shake my head, only causing another wave of nausea to hit me. Bending over, I begin dry heaving. Tyler keeps his hold on me throughout, helping to keep me upright despite my weakening body.
When the gags stop, he nudges my face toward him. This time when he speaks, his voice is stern. “I’m taking you to the ER. No arguments.”
I want to tell him he’s being ridiculous but the set of his jaw lets me know there’s no point. Resigned, I incline my head ever so slightly so as to avoid another round. Gingerly climbing back into the truck, I cross my arms and look out the window.
Well this is going just fucking fantastic.
The entire drive to the hospital, Tyler gently massages my thigh. Glancing my way, he can’t hide the concern so evident from my bizarre reaction. My chest tightens with misplaced guilt.
Sure, I initiated the actual fucking but the rest? That wasn’t on me.
Tyler speeds into the parking lot, throwing the truck in park. Leaping from the vehicle, he bounds around and gently helps me from my seat.
I’m hit again by how much he seems to care about me now.
What happened over the break?
My mind wanders back to the last time we hung out before going our separate ways. Him to spend time with his family and now-ex-girlfriend. Me to my lonely apartment to study and binge my one true guilty pleasure. Trashy reality shows.
Ohmygod, his ex.
I glance at him from the corner of my eye. His jaw set in a hard line as he ushers me toward the entrance.
Am I some rebound? Is that why he’s so interested all of a sudden?
I can’t stop the irritation that rises at the realization.
Stupid fucking men. Why are they all like this?
My mind flashes back to Killian.
At leastheknew what he wanted and went for it rather than toying with my emotions and pussyfooting around.
My chest aches again, a reminder of what it meant for him to take what he wanted.
Worth it?
Itwasthe best sex of my life after all. Even if I had to die to get it.
I push aside the chaotic ramblings of my mind.
Can’t afford a mental breakdown. Not here where they could lock me up for it.
I’m able to make it inside the ER waiting area without any further episodes. Physical or mental.
Directing me toward the check in window, Tyler hovers closely behind me, ready to assist if I need it. The sweet gesture just causes my chest to tighten further.
The woman behind the plexiglass shield looks over my body, noting the way Tyler stands next to me protectively. In a tone laced with boredom, she asks, “What brought you in today?”
I’m shocked at her casual, almost annoyed, demeanor, as if she sees people being escorted in by a frantic partner all the time. I suppose if she works in the hospital, she probably does.
Fighting against the desire to turn around and leave, I mumble through an explanation. “I woke up not feeling great this morning with a really bad headache and bruising on my chest.” My face flushes as I hedge the truth as closely as I can. “I thought I was okay but then started throwing up and, well, um…” I trail off, feeling silly for coming in for a bruise and some puke.