Page 24 of My Little Girl
It isn’t until he deposits the bag on my bed with a heavy thump that I break from my trance. “What are you talking about?” I whisper.
Killian stops and peers at me. “You’re coming with me.” He repeats, as if it’s a perfectly normal statement.
My mind reels, warring emotions battling within me. I’m terrified, I’m overwhelmed, I’m angry but there’s another emotion fluttering on the edges that I refuse to acknowledge.
Deciding to go with the safest question to hopefully avoid his wrath, I breathe, “Where?”
Killian strides back to the bed and sits next to me, taking my face in his hand again. Peering into my eyes with the same emotions I’m trying to deny shining in his own, his lips tick up on the corners as he murmurs, “Home.”
Chapter 14
Excitement buzzes within me. I can feel it pouring out no matter how much I try to stamp it back. Avamarie stares at me, panic-stricken with eyes the size of saucers. I brush my fingers along her smooth skin while giving her a moment to adjust to my declaration.
I hadn’t planned to take her with me when I drove to her apartment. I hadn’t planned a lot of things when it came to her. The sound and sight of her pain broke something inside of me and I can’t bring myself to leave her, not until I know she’s okay. An overwhelming protectiveness consumes me as I stare into her doe eyes, I can feel the shift like an awakening. Somehow I know now that I won’t be able to stay away, no matter how badly I have fought against the pull this girl has on me.
I watch her draw in a shaky breath, the resignation in her eyes sending another wave of excitement throughout me. Nodding, she pushes off the bed and out of my grasp. I allow it as I watch her walk toward the bathroom on shaky legs. Running my gaze over her body, I notice a suspicious dark spot on her cotton shorts. My eyes narrow but she disappears before I can say anything.
“…girl stuff…”
Her voice plays in my head while I wait for her to emerge again. I don’t know a lot about it, my little knowledge regarding women’s monthly visitor from the girls in the shared group home I grew up in. Even still, I’m pretty sure I don’t remember their periods causing that much pain.
I’m still lost in thought when the door creaks open and Avamarie sneaks through, arms full of toiletries. I push off the bed and quickly close the distance to snatch the items from her. She mutters a thanks before turning toward her closet and pulling out a pair of sweatpants, tank top, and sweatshirt. Making her way toward the small dresser nestled in the corner opposite her bed, she digs in the drawers to pull out a bra and pair of panties.
My eyes zero in on the thin fabric clutched in her hand and I push down the desire to rip her clothes off to find what she’s wearing underneath. Noticing my attention, she peeks over her shoulder and blushes. “I’ll just be a moment.” She mumblesbefore hurrying back to the bathroom and slamming the door. The sound of the shower fills the small apartment shortly after.
Turning my back toward the bathroom to keep from barging in on her, I look over the mess of her room. There is trash discarded on the floor and tossed on the nightstand, clothes strewn around, and several dirty dishes scattered about. Suppressing a sigh, I begin tidying up the chaos. My attention focuses on that damn picture again and the buzzing inside sharpens with my irritation. I now recognize the kid in the photo as the same one who assisted Avamarie to the hospital.
I leave the offensive picture alone, my onethank youto him for ensuring my girl was okay.
My girl? Fuck.
I huff a breath, focusing on the task at hand rather than my irrational desires to claim this woman as my own.
The water is still running as I finish the last of the clean up. My gaze travels around the room and I decide to make the bed, one more thing to busy myself with as I wait. I grip the covers and move to straighten them when I notice another dark spot on the sheets beneath. Leaning closer, I inspect the stain, reaching my hand out to run my finger over the dried crimson.
That’s blood, and not just a little bit.
My eyes shoot toward the bathroom as my heart races.
Nope, no more hiding. I’m finding out what the fuck is going on and I’m doing it now.
Ripping the sheet from the bed, I storm into the bathroom, throwing the door open. Avamarie shrieks at my sudden entrance, hidden behind the shower curtain. Undeterred, I stomp further inside and yank the curtain open. Her screams heighten as she tries to cover her bare body.
The boiling frustration and worry within me reduces briefly as I take in her exquisite beauty. Her soft curves, the bulge in her stomach, the thickness of her thighs as they clench together. Herheavy tits cause my mouth to water, images of my lips on them flooding my mind.
“What the fuck?” She shouts, glaring at me despite the panicked look on her face.
I take a step forward and she pushes back against the wall. A growl works its way from my throat as I approach closer, only stopping when my shins bump into the lip of the shower. Her eyes are filled with terror, waiting for me to reveal the reason for my intrusion.
Tightening my grip on the sheet, I thrust it toward her, demanding, “Care to explain where all this blood came from?” My jaw locks and I force my gaze to remain on her face, despite every cell of my body screaming to devour her body the way I need to. The way she needs me to.
Avamarie visibly swallows, tears filling her eyes. She doesn’t answer right away and I lose the fight with myself, appreciating her body again with my gaze. As my eyes travel down, I notice something running down her thighs and blink a few times to make sure I’m seeing correctly.
Crouching, I drop the sheet onto the floor and reach out to grab hold of her hips. She squeaks when I pull her toward me, my face level with her pussy. Only my attention isn’t focused on her delicious cunt. Rather it’s the blood dripping between her legs that holds me captive.
Keeping one hand on her hip to keep her in place, I slide my other hand between her thighs. A gasp sounds, barely audible over the noise of the water. My fingers glide through the blood, freezing when they brush against a large clump. “What the fuck is going on Avamarie?” I ask, my voice hoarse as I push against the bloodied tissue.