Page 3 of My Little Girl
She slides to a stop, wobbling on her legs before righting her posture. Once on steady feet, she shyly smiles up at me. “Hi.” Her gaze shoots away before returning back to mine, nervousness filling her expression. “My name’s Fallon, by the way. Sorry about the, uh, bump and run the other day.” Fallon laughs nervously, twisting her hands in front of her body.
I take a moment to really take her in. She’s a bit shorter than I am, possibly 5’4 to my 5’7. Her blonde hair has been pulled upinto a tight bun on top of her head, not a strand out of place and a direct contrast to the chaotic mess she was the first time we met.
My lips twitch in response to her joke. Albeit funny, I really need to get going. I’m already going to have to sacrifice my time to cook and will be ordering in, I don’t want to lose any of my precious hours of sleep. I’m going to need it if what I have planned works out. My face flushes at the reminder.
Now is not the time to be thinking of that.
I mentally shake myself and allow a small smile to cross my lips. “Hi Fallon, my name’s Avamarie. Although most people just call me Ava.” Her returning smile is blinding. Apparently my willingness to provide my name was able to break through whatever shyness she was experiencing before.
“It’s so great to officially meet you Ava!” She exclaims, thrusting her hand toward me. I eye the extended palm, glance down at my own encumbered arms, then look back at her apologetically. She giggles and pulls back her hand. “Right. Arms full. Got it.” I laugh with her, enjoying the ease of her personality. “So, um, got any plans this weekend?” The awkwardness has returned and I tilt my head, curious as to the cause.
Nodding, I answer, “Yeah, I’m going to a houseboat party.” Biting my cheek to stave off more unwanted reminders of what all this weekend means, I watch Fallon intently.
Her eyes flicker with some emotion I can’t place before she pushes it away, plastering a tight smile on her face. “Oh, that’s cool.” She mumbles, shoulders slumping the slightest bit. “Well, you look busy…” She indicates my arms with her head. “Catch you around later.” Before I can respond, Fallon spins on her heels and takes off back across the park.
I watch her retreating figure, stunned by the bizarre interaction. Shaking my head, I turn back and make my wayto the parking lot. Once my belongings have been dumped unceremoniously into the passenger seat, I pull my phone back out to find another message from Tyler waiting.
Audio Message
With shaky hands, I click on the play button and turn up the volume.
“Hey Ava. I’m so stoked to get on the water with you. Don’t forget to bring a swimsuit. Unless you want to go without one ‘wink, wink’.” I chuckle, a blush spreading across my cheeks. “Anywho, I wanted to talk to you about some stuff and was hoping to get a chance this weekend. Just, like, a heads up. I’ll be there to pick you up tomorrow morning, bright and early!”
My heart hammers in my chest as I stare mutely at the small device in my hands.
He wants to talk? That’s never good.
My mind flashes back to all the times I’ve heard that simple phrase.
“We need to talk.”
My “boyfriend” telling me this right before dumping me for my sister. Not only that but I found out they had been sleeping together the whole time.Thatmade for some awkward family dinners.
“Ava, we need to talk.”
My parents sitting my sister and me down to inform us that they were getting a divorce. By the time they finally decided it would be best to split ways, the damage from their toxic relationship had already twisted my view on love beyond repair.
Shaking my head to clear the memories, I gulp and press play again on the message, trying to hear the slightest inflection in his voice to let me know what he’s thinking. I’m unsuccessful.
With a sigh, I click the blue link to keep the voice memo before it automatically expires.
If he’s going to friend break up with me, at least I’ll have this.
Smacking the wheel in frustration, I throw the car in reverse.
This was supposed to beourweekend and now it might be our last.
My heart breaking, I fight tears as I drive toward my apartment.
Pulling into the underground parking lot, I shimmy my way out of the tight space between vehicles. I head to the other side of my car and load up my arms again before heading toward the elevator. My thoughts still obsessing over all the possibilities of what “The Talk” with Tyler could be.
I’m lost in thought and don’t notice the person in front of me until I run face first into a hard back. “Ouch.” I grumble, rubbing my nose against my shoulder.
“Excuse me.” A deep voice rumbles. My eyes fly toward the source and I’m frozen in place.
Standing before me is the single hottest man I have ever seen. A pang of guilt hits me as I’m reminded of Tyler.