Page 44 of My Little Girl
Using his last moments on earth to ease the concern of another human, he elaborates, “You didn’t have to give me a kind death. Didn’t have to allow me to say goodbye.” A hiccuped sob escapes on the word. Shaking himself, he continues, “I don’t know how you ended up here but there’s some good in you. Don’t let the darkness consume you, there’s not enough light in the world as is.”
Running his hands under his eyes, Kenneth straightens his shoulders, jutting his chin out. “Okay.” He whispers in a shaky voice before clearing his throat and trying again, his voice more steady. “I’m ready.”
Numbly reaching my hands forward, I grip his head. “I’m sorry.” I whisper as I snap his neck.
A quiet sniffle comes from behind me and I’m reminded of Arriana’s presence. In a gruff voice, I snap, “Let’s get this over with.”
Pulling on the gloves tucked in my back pocket, I slide them onto my hands. My stomach sours as I grab hold of the hand attached to the now lifeless body. Gritting my teeth, I make quick work of breaking every finger, making sure they are bent in extreme angles. It was some “poetic” bullshit according to the goon who paid money to snuff out the kid. I hesitate to complete the final request, finding I’m unable to force my body to move.
A small hand lands on my bicep. “Let me.” Arriana offers, pushing me aside.
I stumble back, grateful for the first time to have her along as I watch her slip out the pair of knitting needles. We both brought a set to ensure we were prepared to complete the requirements of the job.
Her hand stills as she takes in the boy before her, much closer to her age than mine. “You really didn’t deserve this.” She murmurs, running her gloved finger down the side of his face. “Rest in peace.” She snaps her hand forward as soon as the last word leaves her lips, stabbing one needle into each eye.
I gulp, swallowing down the misery trying to suffocate me.
I really need to figure a way out of this. I can’t do it anymore.
After each taking turns to snap a photo and send off confirmation, we turn away from the only person in the room who deserved to still be breathing. Cleanup goes by in a blur as my mind rages from the injustice.
On the way back to the van, my phone dings. Pulling it out of my pocket, a small smile creeps on my face and some of the heaviness lifts from my tired soul. Just as I’m about to click onthe message from my little firecracker, a shot rings in the air, narrowly missing my head.
I jerk back, the sudden movement sending the phone crashing to the ground. Staring blankly down at the shattered screen, it takes a second to realize what just happened. I dive down just in time to miss another bullet aimed straight for me.
“What the fuck?” Arriana shouts, ducking behind a car parked along the street.
Hiding behind my own vehicle shield, I peek around and try to locate where the shots are coming from as I bark, “I don’t know.” My eyes narrow on a blacked out sedan across the way, one window rolled down just far enough for the barrel of a gun to poke out. Before I’m able to react to the discovery, the window rolls up and the car pulls out onto the street, speeding away.
Making sure there are no other threats around, I cautiously stand. Arriana scrambles her way over to me. “You got some enemies, huh?” She quips, some of her personality having returned from the adrenaline rush. “Any idea who it is?”
I shake my head, snatching up my broken phone before making my way to our van. “Not a clue.” My teeth clench as I vow, “But I’m going to find out.”
Chapter 25
The microwave dings, signaling our popcorn is ready. I leap up from the couch, ready to get my munchies on. Both Fallon and I have taken the liberty to change into comfy clothes. The only appropriate way to watch the hottest of men and women fightover each other is to be clad in the most unflattering clothing while stuffing your face. I don’t make the rules.
“Hurry! The commercial is almost over!” Fallon calls from the couch, swimming in my sleep shirt I gave her to wear.
I fight back the twinge of familiar insecurities threatening to ruin the evening. I’ve worked too damn hard to love my body to fall back into old patterns.
So what if you wear an xl, sometimes a 2x. They’re just numbers and you’re beautiful.
I run the reminder through my brain over and over as I add extra butter to the popcorn. It’s a tip I learned from one of the few therapy sessions I tried attending during undergrad when the stress of college life started to get to be too much.
“When a thought comes up that tries to insert negativity into your life, I want you to challenge the thought and replace it with one that lines up with how you really feel. Not what the negativity is trying to make you believe that you do.”
It’s not exactly what the student psychologist suggested but it’s close enough and has worked well for me.
Turning back toward the living room, I rush over and flop onto the couch just as the last commercial ends, setting the bowl on the coffee table. Grabbing a handful of popcorn, Fallon shoves it into her mouth. Around the large mouthful, she chuckles, “Slid in just in the nick of time.”
I roll my eyes at her and stick out my tongue. “Yeah yeah. Now shut up, Dominick is about to say something.”
Both of our attention glues to the screen as the bachelor looks over the women before him. “This is such a hard decision.” He draws out, his slight east coast accent slipping in. I can’t remember exactly where he’s from but I’m pretty sure it’s somewhere over there. “I wish I didn’t have to do this but there can only be one girl for me.” My breath hitches as he picks up the singular rose resting on the silver tray. “You’re both sowonderful but I’m going to have to choose…” Dominick steps forward, angling his body toward MacKenzie.
“Nooooooo!” I cry out, clutching a throw pillow to my chest. “You love Natalie!”