Page 60 of My Little Girl
“Happy now?” I sneer, glaring down at her.
Avamarie returns my glare as she slowly pushes herself up. “Ecstatic.” She bites out between clenched teeth, her hands still curled into fists.
Dragging my eyes down her body, I’m overwhelmed by the need to fuck her. To show her who I am. To remind her who she belongs to.
That’s what got you into this mess in the first place.
My teeth grind at the reminder and I dig my nails into the skin of my palm to fight against the urges. I won’t do that to her, not again. “Good.” I snap, my body humming with pent up need and anger.
Avamarie’s eyes darken as she takes in my towering form before her. Running her gaze up and down, she crosses her arms, leveling me with a look of pure hatred. “Good.” She repeats, her chest rising and falling heavily with each breath.
I take a small step forward, noting the small intake of air she takes as I close the distance between us. “Good.” I murmur, some of the rage easing as another emotion takes over.
Tipping her chin back to keep her gaze locked with mine, Avamarie’s lips part just barely, breaths coming out in soft pants.
I admire the beauty before me, my gaze fixating on the full swells of her breasts as they rise and fall.
I’m never going to get enough of this woman. I would do anything,beanything, for her.
As if she can read my mind, her eyes flash before she smirks. “So you’re sorry, huh?” She purrs.
A tingle starts at the base of my spine, the same feeling I get just before a hit goes sideways. Despite the clear warning, the look in my little girl’s eyes has me ignoring the very thing that has kept me alive thus far.
Nodding, I reach forward and brush my fingers along her throat. “Very, very much.” I murmur, relishing in the soft feel of her skin beneath my fingertips.
Slapping my hand away, Avamarie glowers at me before demanding, “Okay then prove it. Get on your knees.”
Chapter 35
What am I doing?
I don’t have time to fully form a thought in response as I watch Killian slowly sink to his knees before me, his mouth set in a grim line.
Holy shit. No fucking way.
My breaths pick up as I watch the killer before me obey my command.
He actually fucking did it.
I’m frozen in shock as something begins to push its way through the numbness that has become my constant companion. My skin tingles as I feel every cell of my body light up with this new found energy.
It’s like a drug. Addictive.
I’ve never known I could feel like this. And now that I have? There’s no turning back.
My mind races as I try to figure out what to do next. Killian peers up at me, fury and pride shining in his green eyes. I’m suddenly reminded of a scene from one of Fallon’s books I read not that long ago. One that gave me tingles in ways that I chose to ignore at the time but now…
Striding forward, I run my hand along his shoulders as I circle his kneeling form. “Good boy.” I murmur, the praise feeling foreign andrighton my tongue.
Killian shudders under my touch, appearing as affected by my words as I am.
Hmm, I could get used to this.
I circle back until I am standing in front of him again, waiting until he lifts his gaze to meet mine before I speak. “You stole something from me.” Fighting against the emotions that threaten to consume me, I push on. “I thought we had something special but you made it very clear that we don’t.”