Page 67 of My Little Girl
Avamarie huffs and jerks back, glaring up at me. “Fine. I see how it is. You know what?Fuck you.” Spinning on her heels she darts down the hall, slamming the door shut behind her.
I watch the space she disappeared to before slowly turning toward Andrew and Arriana. Andrew looks at me with an expression somewhere between concerned and uncomfortable. Arriana, in true fashion, is beaming at me, breaking into laughter again when our eyes meet.
“Holy shit dude. You are insomuch trouble.” Clutching her stomach, she bends over as she continues laughing. “You’d think for a man your age you would be better at relationships.” Tilting her head in Andrew’s direction, she nods toward me as she asks him, “Don’t you think so, Drewbie?”
Andrew raises his hand to his chin, thoughtfully rubbing it as he looks me over. “You know, you’ve got a point, Ree.” Winking at her, Andrew chuckles, “I sure hope I’m better at his age.”
She pushes herself upright, opening her mouth to make what is most likely another quip at my expense.
“Enough.” I snap.
Two pairs of amused eyes look at me simultaneously, the laughter dying in them as they take in my expression. I’m in no mood for the giggle twins antics and it clearly shows on my face.
“If you two are done,” I pause briefly, looking intently at Arriana. She shrugs in response, the best I’m going to get from her. With a heavy sigh, I gesture toward my office. “I’ve got everything set up for Andrew to start running the footage while we come up with a game plan.”
Arriana bounces down the hall while Andrew hangs back. “Hey man.” He says, shuffling his feet. “I’m real sorry about this. If I had known he was gonna…” Andrew trails off, hanging his head.
Reaching forward, I grasp his shoulder. “It’s not your fault.” I assure him. Andrew’s shoulders slump and he nods his head. Squeezing his shoulder, I indicate down the hall with my head. “Now let’s go find this bastard, yeah?”
Andrew’s eyes light up at the promise of retribution. “Yes. I’ve got this. I won’t let you down.” Covering my hand with his, he holds my gaze as he swears, “On my life.”
Nodding, I pull my hand away and make my way toward the office. “Good, cause I’m counting on you.”
Chapter 38
I can hear the three of them talking in his office. Warring feelings of rage and shame battle inside of me as I linger in the doorway.
I know I overreacted. Just as I know none of this is Killian’s fault, he’s just trying to keep me safe. And I’m totally gratefulfor him doing so but can’t help the lingering hurt that comes up every time I think ofthat woman.
It’s bad enough she’s dating my best friend, now she’s here in our home?
Groaning, I pound my head against the doorframe. “Come on Ava. Just get the fuck over it.” I mutter to myself. Sucking in a deep breath, I push off the frame and turn to make my way to join the others.
A buzzing from my back pocket gives me pause. I don’t know why but something ominous works it’s way up from the pit of my stomach. Reaching around, I pull my phone out and look at the caller ID.
Smut Sister *book emoji**spicy pepper emoji*
Blowing out my breath, I shake my head as I hit answer.
I really am losing it.
“Hey babe.” I say into the phone. A sniffle comes through the line and my heart stops. “Fallon? Are you okay?”
Fallon cries out and I nearly drop the phone as I take off in a sprint down the hall. I throw the door to the office open as I yell, “Fallon, what’s going on?” All three heads shoot up at my sudden entrance.
At the sound of Fallon’s name, Arriana leaps from her perch on the desk, rushing toward me with her hand outstretched. Before I can react, she rips the phone from me. “Baby? Are you okay?” She’s silent for a while, her concerned expression turning furious as each second tics on.
I shiver at the murderous look on her face, suddenly aware that I don’t want this woman to be my enemy. Not when she looks like she crawled straight out of hell.
“Mi vida,I’m coming for you. Do you hear me?” Arriana soothes, pausing again. Her free hand curls into a fist at her sideas she growls, “Don’t you fucking touch her. If I find a single hair-” She cuts off, her eyes darting between Killian and me.
Something in her expression has me straightening my spine and Killian storming to my side. He throws a protective arm around my waist, tucking me into his side. Arriana shakes her head at him, tilting the phone away as she mouths “Charles”. Killian stiffens next to me, watching Arriana intently while she listens.
I jump when she suddenly bursts into laughter. “Oh youarestupid.” She chuckles, a manic gleam in her eyes. “You might have been able to handle one of us, butbothof us?” Her laughter dies off, her voice dipping low as she warns, “You’ve just signed your own death warrant. Touch her and I’ll show you what crazy really looks like.” Jutting her arm toward Killian she snaps, “Here, it’s for you.”
He carefully plucks the phone from her hand and watches as she storms from the room. Looking over to the other man in the room, he inclines his head in the direction she took off. “Go follow her, make sure she doesn’t do anything stupid.” The man nods and jogs out after Arriana.