Page 72 of My Little Girl
I look up at him, startled and frustrated.
“Don’t point it at me though, or anyone for that matter.” Pausing, he rubs his chin then chuckles, “Unless you want to kill them.”
I nod my head and tentatively reach forward once more. Taking the gun into my hand, I turn it, careful to keep theend pointed away from us as I inspect the deadly weapon. “It’s heavier than I thought it would be.” I murmur, bringing my face closer to the pistol. “What does lock mean?” I ask.
Chuckling again, Andrew points at the line wrapped around the word. “That’s a G.” He replies.
“Oh gotcha.” I had heard of these kind of guns before. Turning toward him, I reach out my hand to give the gun back when a car horn blares, startling me. I jump and watch in horror as the handgun drops from my hand and bounces off the ground.
Covering my head with my arms, I wait for the inevitable bullet to pierce my flesh but nothing comes. When I open my eyes, I find Andrew straightening, a goofy grin spread across his face. “Gotta be more careful butterfingers.” He laughs, earning a scowl from me. “You’re lucky this bad boy could be dropped off a building and still not fire unless you pulled the trigger.”
I look at the gun with wide eyes, grateful I didn’t end our rescue mission before it even started. “Yeah. Lucky.” I murmur.
Placing a hand on my shoulder, Andrew directs my attention back to him. In a stern voice, he warns, “This one isn’t like others though. So you really do need to be more careful in the future if you want to use a gun.” I nod mutely, my heart beating wildly. Patting me, he turns toward the parking garage. “Well, you ready?”
I take a deep breath and turn to face the same direction. After one more quick mental pep talk, I step forward. “Yes, let’s do this.”
Chapter 41
Staring up at the dilapidated building in front of me, I tighten my grip on the steering wheel. I know what I need to do but the knowledge I’ll never see my little firecracker again paralyzes me.
My door is wrenched open and I startle when a tiny hand reaches in and tugs on my arm. “Come on, grandpa. Get off yourass and get a move on.” Arriana grunts, doing her best to pull me from the vehicle.
I sigh and push her off me before climbing out onto my feet. Rounding the car, I pop open the trunk and pull out a couple guns. Stuffing one into my waistband and the other into the holster on my ankle. Snatching a small knife, I tuck it into my other boot.
Arriana bounces over, taking her pick from the arsenal inside. “Not bad not bad.” She hums her approval, glancing my direction. “You sure about this? We could always go in guns a blazing.” Cocking the gun in her hand she grins at me, a wicked gleam in her eyes. “You know that has my vote.”
I shake my head and look toward the parking garage. “They could get hurt. Charles has too many connections and too much money.” Letting out a heavy breath, I turn toward Arriana and find her watching me with sad eyes. Giving her a small smile that doesn’t meet my eyes, I chuckle, the laughter hollow. “I’ve had this coming anyway. Death and me are old friends, guess it’s time we finally meet.” Shutting the trunk, I walk toward my last job, resigned to my fate. Arriana jogs to catch up, falling into step with me.
We are silent the entire trek up the seven stories to the roof. Pausing one last time before the final door, I take in a deep breath.
For Avamarie.
I remind myself as I push open the door and step out to my final destination. The wind blows across my face as I walk forward. Arriana follows closely behind me, her fingers twitching around the empty space she most likely wishes held a weapon.
Me too.
I think bitterly, resenting the fact that I’m going to be put down like a dog. This is not how I imagined I would go out but nothing I can do to change it now. Not if I want my girl safe.
Before us stands Charles, surrounded by five armed men. I hear Arriana hiss at the same time my eyes land on Fallon. The poor girl has been forced onto her knees, her blonde hair blowing around her face. Small glimpses show tears streaming down her cheeks and a nasty bruise on her right eye. My hand shoots out and stops Arriana as she reaches for her waistband. I tighten my hold as she tries to rip her arm from my grasp. “Let me go.” She growls.
I shake my head, whispering back, “It’s only going to make it worse. Look.” I tilt my head in the direction of Charles standing there with a smirk across his face. “If you doanythingthey’ll kill her.” I wait for Arriana to follow my direction and look back at me, the same fire burning in her eyes but a hesitance there that wasn’t before. “I know it, you know it, andheknows it. Don’t do anything dumb.” Arriana nods curtly, relaxing in my grip. I release her, muttering under my breath, “Only one of us has to die today.”
We continue forward, stopping several feet away from the line of men and kneeling woman. Charles looks between Arriana and me. “Glad you could make it.” He snickers. I don’t say anything, staring him down, my eye twitching from the sheer force of will it’s taking to not shoot the motherfucker between his eyes.
Sighing dramatically, Charles steps forward and grabs hold of Fallon’s hair, yanking her head back. “Don’t touch her.” Arriana growls as Fallon cries out.
Charles turns his gaze toward her, his shoulders shaking with his laughter. “Or what? I think I made myself pretty clear.” Shaking Fallon again, he arches an eyebrow in Arriana’s direction. “Do I need to remind you what will happen if you try anything?”
Fallon whimpers, looking between the two of them. “Ple-please just let me go.” She begs.
Arriana takes half a step forward, reaching her hand out. “It’s okay, baby. You’re gonna be okay.” She assures the hysterical girl. Looking over her shoulder at me, Arriana whispers, “I’m sorry.”
I incline my head at her, her meaning clear. Arriana has finally realized the seriousness of our situation and that the only way she’s going to get her girl back is if we give Charles what he wants. And what he wants is me.
“Charles.” I finally speak, drawing his attention to me. “Let the girl go. I’m here, like you wanted.” Crossing my arms, I wait, refusing to show how terrified I am.