Page 74 of My Little Girl
He’s right. I’m useless. Even if Killian isn’t…
I shake my head.
No. There’s no way he’s dead. He can’t be. He wouldn’t.
Hiccuping a sob, I cover my mouth with my hands and turn into Andrew’s chest, burying my face into his shirt. “Why would he do that?” I cry, begging for an answer I know neither of us have. Andrew doesn’t say anything but rubs my back with his free hand, his other still clutching the pistol. My eyes narrow onto the gun in his hand.
Before I can talk myself out of it, I rip the gun from him and dart out of his reach. Running out of the doorway, I stop and lift my shaky arms in the direction of the man who just shot Killian.
“Don’t point it at anyone. Unless you want to kill them.”
Andrew’s words run through my head as I point the pistol at the only person I have ever truly wanted to kill. Closing my eyes, I pull the trigger. My arm flies up from the force of the gun going off and I stumble a little before regaining my balance. Peeking my eyes open, I look down at the firearm. “Got a nice kick there, don’t ya?” I murmur before looking back up to inspect the carnage.
I gulp as I meet the eyes of a very pissed and very much alive man. Looking around wildly, I find I must have completely missed him and everyone else with my shot. “Shit.” I squeak, turning and sprinting as he raises his gun. I feel a sharp pain as a bullet hits my leg. Biting my cheek, I run as fast as my injured leg will allow, diving into the stairwell as another bullet flies past my head.
Sinking to the floor, I look down at my injury. “Ow ow ow.” I hiss, pushing on the bullet wound to try and stop the bleeding.
A shadow covers me as Andrew bends down. “That went well.” He chuckles, ripping a piece of his shirt off and wrapping thetattered fabric around my thigh. “This is gonna hurt.” He warns before tying the ends together so tightly I could swear he wants me to lose my leg. “Told you.” He laughs at the look on my face. “Gotta stop the blood. Now, if you don’t mind.” Plucking the handgun from my limp hand, he pushes himself to his feet.
“Wait!” I cry out as he turns to leave. Looking over his shoulder, he tilts his head. “Be careful.” I whisper.
Winking at me, Andrew lifts his hand holding the pistol, a wicked gleam in his eyes. “Always buttercup.” I scowl at the nickname. Andrew barks a laugh and crouches, peering around the doorway before sprinting from the stairwell.
I hold my breath as I hear gunshots ring, silently begging anyone listening to perform a miracle and let us be okay.Allof us.
I can’t hold back the tears as the image of Killian slumping forward replays in my mind over and over. “Please.” I whisper, repeating my plea as a new mantra, the only one I can muster at the moment. The single word full of all the heartache, joy, pain, happiness, and sorrow I have experienced since meeting him.
Silence falls and my heart stops, terror filling me as the very real possibility I’m about to be killed hits me. I watch the doorway, cowering back when I hear the heavy fall of footsteps. Looking around wildly, I don’t find anything I can use as a makeshift weapon. I push myself up off the floor and hop onto one foot, bracing myself against the wall and raising my fists.
If I’m going to die, I’m going down swinging.
The irony hits me that I actually want to live now. A hysterical laugh bubbles from my chest. “Perfect timing Ava.” I snort, rolling my eyes. Andrew steps around the corner and I stumble forward, laughing even harder.
Just before I faceplant on the floor, arms catch me. “Oh thanks An-” My words cut off as the musky scent of whiskey and vetiverhit my nose. I freeze, unable to move and look for fear my mind is playing tricks on me.
“Avamarie.” Killian rasps, pulling me into his arms. “Oh baby girl, thank god you’re okay.” His hands run over my body, searching for any injuries. I hiss when his fingers graze my leg. Holding me out at arms length, he looks for the cause of my pain, a growl leaving him as his eyes land on my bloody thigh. “I’m going to kill whoever did this to you.” He vows, glaring at my leg.
Andrew clears his throat. “Sorry dude. I, uh, kinda already did.”
Killian turns his head toward Andrew, a murderous expression on his face. I reach up and cup his cheek, drawing his attention back to me. “You’re alive.” I whisper, tears running down my face.
His eyes soften and he leans forward, pressing a kiss to my forehead. “I’m alive.” He repeats, his voice full of the same wonder I feel.
“Why?” I ask, my voice cracking. “Why were you just sitting there?”
Killian sighs, his lips brushing against my skin as he answers. “It was the only choice. It was either me or you, all of you.” I shudder at the thought but a red hot burst of anger flares in me at his admission.
Yanking away from him, I glare up at the man I love. The man who was willing to sacrifice himself for me. The man who is more stupid than any other person I have ever met.
“You’re a fucking idiot.” I bite out. Killian cocks his head in confusion, reaching for me. Backing away, I shake my head. “You really think I would want to live in a world without you? Are you really that stupid?”
Killian’s eyes sadden before filling with the same fury burning in me. “What choice did I have, huh?” Waving his hand around, he steps forward, pressing his body against mine. “Tell me.What was I supposed to fucking do? He was going tokillyou, Avamarie. I couldn’t let that happen.”
I push him away, balling my hands into fists and punching his chest. “How do you think I feel? He was going to kill you!” I shriek. “I watched him kill you.” My voice trails off as the anger fades to sorrow, my knees buckling as I sob.
Killian catches me, wrapping me into his arms. “You weren’t supposed to be here.” He murmurs into my hair, tightening his hold.
“That’s not the point, Killian.” I mumble, my tears soaking into his shirt. “I won’t survive without you.” Tipping my head back, I peer up at him and plead, “Please don’t make me try.” We hold each other's gaze, silence falling around us as we get lost in one another.