Page 111 of Euphoria
“I said, get out.”
This time he didn’t argue. When the door was closed, and it was just the three of them, Francine said, “So, the good news is, I had already made a complaint about her stalking you to the police. Coupled with the previous instances, it shouldn’t be difficult for the police to prove that she’s, at the very least, been intimidating you both.”
“Okay, well that’s—” Alex was about to add, good before Francine held up a finger forcing her to stop.
“There’s nothing good about it. You pushed someone into the pool. The hotel is fuming. By law they don’t require a lifeguard because they expect their guests to behave with decorum and not push each other into the pool fully clothed.”
“Are we being thrown out?” Morgan asked in astonishment. She’d never been asked to leave anywhere before.
Francine tutted. “Don’t be ridiculous. She’s Sasha, not Ozzy Osbourne. However, I did have to explicitly agree that you would not leave the suite for the duration of your stay except to go to the cathedral and back.”
“For god’s sake, this is madness. The woman is stalking me, and I’m somehow the bad guy?”
“Nobody thinks you’re the bad guy,” Morgan said, wrapping her arms around Alex’s shoulders.
“It feels like it.” Alex reached up, wrapping her arms around Morgan’s. “I’m livid.”
“I’ve let a few more reliable websites and journalists know that there’s a weird fan bothering you. Hopefully, that will head off any potential gossip should she try and sell the story.”
“Thank you,” Alex said, still annoyed.
“What I suggest we all do now is get a good night’s sleep and ride out whatever happens tomorrow. I’m going to hope it all blows over.” Francine picked up her bag and headed for the door. “And do not leave this room.”
Morgan flopped down onto the bed and breathed a deep sigh. Staring up at the ceiling, she pondered the events of earlier. “How is she finding out where we are all the time?”
Alex was brushing her teeth in the adjoining bathroom. “Don’t know,” she said quickly before spitting and rinsing. She re-emerged wiping her face on a small towel. “I was thinking that. I trust everyone on the team. I can’t see any of them risking their job, or future work for what basically is a nobody asking them for information.”
“Yeah, that makes sense.” She recalled Nancy saying how jobs like this didn’t come around often, you grabbed them and hoped you’d earn a good rep and other tours would become available. “So, how’s she doing it?”
“It’s common knowledge where I’m touring, and fans find out where I’m staying all the time. There are plenty of fan groups that swap that kind of information. So, I guess it’s just as possible that Laurel is a member of them and gets the same information. It’s quite common for fans to book rooms in the same hotel, hoping they can get a better chance of meeting me.”
“That’s just obsessive,” Morgan said, turning onto her side and resting her head in her hand.
“It is, but usually harmless. Mostly, they just want pictures and autographs and bragging rights to be able to say they spoke to me or saw me.”
“Honestly, I think I will be glad when this tour is over.”
“Me too.” Alex smiled, climbing onto the bed. “In the meantime, we have three shows left after tomorrow night.”
“When will you find out about Goran, and how quickly will you start working on the new album with him?”
“If he wants me.”
“Of course he will.” Morgan reached out and grabbed a handful of Alex’s t-shirt, dragging her down to her level. “He’s a fool if he doesn’t.”
“Well, I’ve already decided, whether he does or doesn’t, I’m still going ahead with the plan. I have enough money to live a very nice life, and I already have everything I need. Now I’ve found you, I’m happier than I have been in a very long time.”
“Really? You’re not embarrassed?” Morgan asked.
Alex looked shocked. “No, why would you say that?”
Morgan shrugged. “Just…it was the comment about how old I was that set you to push her.”
“There was a moment when we first met that I worried about it a little, I’m not going to lie, but the more we’ve spent time together, the more I realise we’re…” She reached up and cupped Morgan’s cheek. “I don’t care about the age gap; I cared that she was mocking it. She was mocking you, and us, and I won’t stand for it.”
“I really like you.” Morgan grinned before kissing her hard and firm. “Really like you.”
Chapter Fifty-Eight