Page 120 of Euphoria
A machine beeped, and one of the nurses touched her shoulder. “I’ll see to it.” Morgan smiled gratefully.
“Shh, she’s gonna do her speech,” someone else said, and the volume was turned up just a notch.
“Goodness, wow,” Alex said as she looked around the auditorium and blinked a little at the bright lights. “Wow.” She laughed and took a few deep breaths to compose herself. “Two days ago, I got on a plane and left behind the person who truly deserves to be here with me, accepting this honour. Dr Morgan Kelly, this is for you, and all of those working with you tonight, helping people and putting those in need first. You are my inspiration. You are the light in my life and calm in my storm and when I get home—” She grinned and stared straight into the camera. “When I get home, will you marry me?”
Morgan stood open-mouthed.
“Oh my god, did she just propose live on TV to the entire world?” Pascal said, with the biggest shocked grin any face could have.
“Morgan, what are you going to say?” another nurse asked. But Morgan was still flabbergasted. She watched the screen still as the camera followed Alex off to the side and away, with the next hosts appearing to announce the next winners.
“Dr Kelly, I need you in room four, patient’s struggling to breathe,” someone called out, and Morgan shook herself out of it. She was the duty doctor and needed to put her private life on hold.
“Coming,” she called back, grabbing her stethoscope and tugging it around her neck.
The flight back home felt like the longest Alex had ever been on. Goran had stayed behind, enjoying every minute of their collaboration. Francine, however, was already planning.
“Well, at least the headlines will change from ‘Sasha fined for pool push cat fight,’” she said from her pod in first class.
Alex smiled. “Can we never mention that again. I’m just glad that Philip convinced the judge to agree to an injunction to keep her away from us.”
“But it was so much fun. Alexandra Montgomery, criminal.” Francine chuckled. “Even your mother was impressed.”
“Not as impressed as she was to listen to ‘Euphoria’ and be able to brag to all of her friends that I won a Grammy.”
“You got what you wanted. Everything we planned.”
“Not quite, I’m still working.” Alex turned her head towards Francine. “But I wouldn’t change it. You were right, I’d lost my passion.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll take the plaudits at the wedding for getting you both together and creating the inspiration for the best classical music for a generation.” She pulled her glasses off and turned to face Alex. “Did you know before you went up on stage that you were going to propose?”
“Yes.” Alex sipped her champagne, a gift from the airline. “I decided while they were reading the nominations, that if I won, I’d do it.”
“Literally every headline is asking if she said yes.”
Alex laughed. “Well, they’re going to have to wait until I know.”
“You think she will?”
Sipping the champagne again while she considered it, Alex said, “I am quietly confident. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have asked. We’ve been living together for a year almost now. I know that we both want the happy ever after.”
“You think she saw it?”
“I know her mother was watching, so even if Morgan missed it, her mother would have filled her in.” She held up her phone. “I’ve already had several texts from Steph.”
“I take it both families would be happy about it?”
“I don’t care if they are or not. Morgan is the only person whose opinion I’m looking for.”
Alex twisted in her seat, so she could see Francine more fully. “Remember when we were on the cathedral tour, and Morgan and I explored Canterbury?”
“Yes, and you both came back like drowned rats.” Francine chuckled. “I remember. Gert was not happy.”
“We did, and no, she wasn’t.” Alex laughed at the memory. “But before that rain shower, we escaped another one by quickly entering the nearest shop. I don’t know what kind of shop you’d call it, it was all about the occult.”
Francine’s eyes widened. “Dear lord, imagine being snapped coming out of there. The headlines!”
Alex smiled. “It would have been a nightmare, but we didn’t know until we’d stepped inside. Anyway, while we were nosing about waiting for it to stop raining the woman who ran the shop started talking to us…she told Morgan a big change was coming, then the rain stopped and we were about to leave when she said to me, ‘She’ll say yes. When you ask. The answer will be yes.’ I didn’t think any more about it until these past few weeks.I knew I wanted to ask her. I just hadn’t worked out how, but in the back of my mind, I kept hearing the woman say, ‘she will say yes.’”