Page 13 of Euphoria
Dr Kelly was already a few steps ahead of her, and Alex couldn’t ignore the way her eyes scanned that tight arse, hugged in those blue jeans. For a split second, she wondered what Dr Kelly’s cute backside would look like bent over her knees, or her bed.
She sped up and shook that image away, walking beside the doctor as they entered a shabby-looking building and pushed through some double doors with flaky blue paint into what she supposed was the staff bar.
“Grab a seat. I’ll get us some drinks? Coffee, tea?” Morgan asked, as Alex glanced around the darkened room. There were windows, but with the towering building above them and the tree-lined walkway outside, very little natural daylight would come in.
“Tea, please. Thank you, and honey, if they have it.”
Morgan smirked. “I’ll certainly ask, but don’t hold your breath.” She walked towards the bar, and once more Alex found her line of sight drawn to Morgan’s backside. She forced her eyes away and took a look at her surroundings, a room that could do with a makeover if ever she’d seen one. At least there wasn’t a sticky carpet to contend with. Linoleum covered the surface, but not like the light blue style of a hospital that you might expect. There was a man half asleep on one hand with a pint of orange juice in front of him, and two women sat giggling in the corner. Nobody had taken any notice of her.
A large woman, tall and broad, with a warm smile greeted Morgan from behind the bar and they spoke quickly. Unable to hear the conversation, Alex imagined it was the banal ordering of drinks and how are yous, and then Dr Kelly turned and sashayed back towards her. Grinning.
“She’ll bring them over, no honey though I’m afraid.” Morgan shrugged as she took the seat next to Alex.
“Oh, well that’s okay, I’ll live.”
Morgan leaned forward, elbows on the table, her hands supporting her chin. “So, what did you want to talk about?”
Those eyes penetrated somewhere deep inside that hadn’t been touched for years.
Alex could barely think.
It was intoxicating, and yet, she wouldn’t call it intimidating. Alex rarely felt that with anyone, but it was something about the way Morgan looked at her with such an expectation. Did she feel it too, or was this just her usual state of being? If it was, Alex pitied any woman, or man, she set her sights on, because it was intense.
“Ms Montgomery?” Morgan spoke gently.
Morgan smiled. “You wanted to speak to me about something?”
“Yes, well, the thing is. I’m going on a short tour in a few weeks. Around the UK, and, well, Francine thought it might be wise in the light of my attack if we…maybe, considered the possibility of taking a more experienced medic with us.”
Morgan's head lifted, and her hands turned together, rubbing palm to palm slowly as she considered the question. “A medic?”
Nodding, Alex smirked a little. “Yes, in case of—"
Brown eyes narrowed and darkened as they focused on her inquisitively before turning a little disappointed.
“Are you offering me a job?” Morgan said. Her voice had lost the playful flirtiness, and Alex felt that disappointment too.
“It would appear so, yes.” Alex tried to smile, not enjoying for one moment how it felt to disappoint Dr Morgan Kelly.
Maybe this wasn’t a good idea. If Dr Kelly made her feel like this now, what would it be like on the road, forced to spend time together day after day? This was madness, wasn’t it?
Alex looked away, ready to make an escape, but the sight of the woman from behind the bar walking towards them, carrying a tray ladened with pots and cups, put paid to that idea.
“Here you go.” She smiled down at them both as she slid the tray onto the table before turning and leaving them to it without a further word.
“You know, your GP could just prescribe a simple anti-depressant. Sertraline works well for—”
“I’ve tried them, and they do help, but the side effects meant I was constantly sleepy, and I had headaches. My mind couldn’t focus properly on anything creative, and my work suffered as a result. So, I won’t take them now. I’d rather get through it, but that last one was different. It frightened me, if I’m honest. I’d feel better knowing I had someone there who could help.”
“Why me?” Morgan asked as she passed the empty cup and saucer across the table. “I mean, I assumed a tour would have a medic on staff already.”
“Yes, we do usually have someone, but this is more personal. I’d want someone I could—" Alex reached for the pot. “I like you.” She caught the smirk that reappeared on Morgan’s face and added, “What I mean is that I feel comfortable with you,and you managed my situation quite adeptly, and Francine feels—”
“Is she your girlfriend?” Morgan asked out of nowhere.
“Francine isn’t my girlfriend.” Alex chuckled. “Seriously?”