Page 37 of Euphoria
She breathed in the smell of the lacquer, freshly done before every tour. She found a comfort in it. Like a new car or the smell of a newborn baby, it was as distinctive to her.
When she finally took a seat, she noticed a small group of people quietly walking in to take seats at the back, trying not to be noticed. It wouldn’t bother her now though, not now that the keys were in reach, shining under the lights.
Raising her hands, she flexed her fingers and went through the motions of moving her fingers one by one against invisible air keys, and then, when she was ready, she pressed down and ran the scale.
Starting at A and ending on G, up and down, she let her fingers loosen up and then just like that, she was playing without thought. Her mind closed to everything and everyone else around her as she listened and focused on the acoustics.
Without speakers and microphones, just the power of the piano and the thick medieval walls around them, sound bounced and weaved and echoed perfectly. She felt the shiver run down her spine and lifted her head, eyes shut, and revelled in it.
This was what she was born to do, wasn’t it?
Morgan hadn’t even bothered to get dressed following her afternoon at the spa. She’d just wrapped the huge, soft, robe that she’d found in the room around herself and walked barefoot through the lobby and back up to the suite.
She hadn’t felt this relaxed in years, and she revelled in it, and considered how she could manage now, with the whopping payment she was getting for this, to be able to treat herself more often.
Another sensation was lying just below the surface though, something equally relaxing, and one she would need to take care of later: arousal.
Lying face down on the bed being massaged, she’d considered just how she was going to deal with this situation.She needed a plan if she was going to deal with this constant sexual attraction to Alex. Otherwise, it was going to be a very long three weeks or more.
She opened the door, walked inside the suite, and kicked the door closed, flopping down unconcerned onto the sofa. Stretching out, it was so comfortable. She didn’t stand a chance, and promptly fell asleep.
When she woke, the room was almost dark. The sun set earlier this time of year, but also, the curtains were closed. A small desk lamp lighting the other side of the room was the only illumination in the room. She had no recollection of turning that on.
Morgan stretched her legs out and groaned at the quiet ache in her hip from lying in the same position too long, and almost jumped out of her skin when she realised that she was no longer alone.
“You’re awake? I didn’t want to disturb you.” Alex’s voice was quiet, soft, and yet, it sent a shiver down Morgan’s spine as she sat up. How long had Alex been sitting there, watching her? Her arousal spiked again.
“God, I’m sorry, I just sat down for a moment and…” She shrugged and laughed nervously. “The spa was very relaxing.”
Alex smirked. “I can see.” She twirled a glass in her hand, the ice clinking gently against the side. She held it up for Morgan to see. “Can I interest you in one?”
“Uh, sure, why not?” Glancing down at herself, she blushed when she realised the gown had split open, revealing her very bare thigh. “I should get changed.”
“Don’t on my account.” Alex smiled over at her as she poured a drink before catching herself. “That was— Myapologies if that made you feel uncomfortable.” She poured a second. “That was inappropriate.”
There was something different about her, Morgan thought. She couldn’t quite put her finger on what it was, but it was stirring something all the same. Something about the way Alex kept glancing at her made Morgan feel a little…unnerved, but not in an intimidating way. No, it was very much wanted.
“It’s fine, honestly.” But she tightened the belt anyway.
She glanced up as she felt Alex’s presence in front of her. A glass was dangling from fingers for Morgan to take, and there was an intensity in the eyes that stared down at her.
“Thank you,” Morgan said, taking a sip of what she assumed was very expensive scotch. It warmed her tongue and throat as it slid down like velvet, and she wondered what it would taste like on Alex’s tongue. Alex continued to stare, and for a brief moment, Morgan questioned whether she could mind read.
“Did it all go well?” Morgan asked, needing to say something to break the silence. “The rehearsal?”
Alex stepped away. “Yes, thank you. It’s going to be a wonderful place to play.” She sat down again in the chair she’d previously been sitting in. Relaxed, assured as she sank back into it and raised a leg to rest her ankle on her thigh.
“I can imagine.” Morgan sipped the drink, wondering if dropping to her knees between those legs would be welcomed. “I’m looking forward to it, assuming I’m invited.”
Sitting forward in her seat, Alex scanned Morgan’s face, searching for something, before she finally said, “I’ll make sure you have a front-row seat.”
The energy in the room had shifted and amplified. There was nothing obviously flirtatious, and yet, it felt charged, as though something was building between them that at any moment might explode into something more.
Into something Morgan was sure she wouldn’t stop from happening.
She couldn’t keep trying to deny it to herself anymore. Alex Montgomery had something about her that was hot, and under any other circumstances, Morgan would make it very obvious she was interested, but this was dangerous, wasn’t it? She was working. She wasn’t being paid to fraternise, was she? But then, she had been asked to pretend to be a lover.
God, it was all so frustrating. She had no idea how any of this was going to work.