Page 59 of Euphoria
“You make me smile.” Alex lifted the plastic card holder resting between Morgan’s breasts and admired the photo. “Cute.” She leaned up. “Kiss me.”
“I’m not sure this is in my job description.” Morgan smirked, taking the ID badge from her, before pressing their lips together.
“Of course it is. I’m relaxed, aren’t I?”
Morgan grinned. “Give me ten minutes and I guarantee I can have you more relaxed.“
“You think so, ten minutes?”
Morgan slid from her lap and quickly crossed the room, locking the door. “Well, let’s find out.”
Alex watched as Morgan returned and climbed back into her lap, straddling thighs as her hands slipped over shoulders, hands clasping around the nape of her neck. The kiss was slow, and deliberate. Firmly pressing lips nipped, and nudged until Alex could stand it no longer and opened her mouth to receive Morgan’s tongue.
“Mm.” She moaned into it, enjoying the way Morgan felt pressed against her, her weight holding her down. Alex’s hands moved effortlessly under the cotton of Morgan’s shirt, flat against her soft bare skin. “I want you,” she mumbled when the kiss slowed.
Morgan checked her watch. “We’ve got seven more minutes.”
“I can do it in six.” Alex laughed, already unbuttoning Morgan’s shirt.
A thump on the door made them both jump.
“Hey, why’s the door locked?”
“It’s Francine,” Morgan whispered, clambering off of Alex’s lap and hurriedly rebuttoning.
“Morgan’s just checking my ankle,” Alex shouted back. Then she stood up, kissed Morgan quickly and grinned. “Later.” She readjusted herself and checked in the mirror that she was presentable. “Okay, let her in.”
Opening the door, Morgan stepped aside. “It’s all fine. I’ll be back with your medication, but I’m going to lower the dose now there isn’t as much pain.”
“Great, thank you.” Alex smiled as Morgan left the room.
“What ya lock the door for?” Francine enquired, already dumping her bag onto the spare chair.
“I had to drop my trousers. They’re too tight to just pull up.”
Francine glanced down suspiciously. “Okay, let’s get this done.”
Chapter Thirty-One
The reporter sitting opposite Alex looked as though she’d just left school, and Alex wondered how many more of these she could sit through between now and the end of the tour. It was so repetitive. She studied the young woman sitting opposite, smiling easily as she waited for her to settle into her seat and pull out her recording device.
“Ms Montgomery, Clara Swift,Gloucester News Chronicle.” She smiled as though butter wouldn’t melt. “Is it true that your recent health scare put this tour in jeopardy?”
So, straight to the point, not as wet behind the ears as she appeared then, Alex thought. Francine stepped forward, prepared to step in and redirect. Subtly, Alex shook her head and the rottweiler attack was put on hold, for now.
“My recent health scare?”Sashathrew back at her. “You’ll have to expand on that.”
Clara continued to smile, holding her Dictaphone out towardsSasha. “Yes, national news sources reported that you recently visited a local hospital and spent the day having several tests for potential heart issues. Are you okay now?”
Interesting that none of them had asked about her fall, or the state of her ankle, which meant they didn’t know, Alex thought. She had a good team around her. Loyal people who didn’t go running to the press.
“As you can see, I’m fine. As I was then. It’s true, I did visit a local hospital but not because I was having a heart attack, it was more of a…” She paused for effect. “A personal visit and a charitable event.”
“A personal visit?” Clara took the bait. “That sounds much better. I’m sure your fans would love to hear that you’re well, and dare we ask…are the rumours true of a new romance?”
Alex sat back, picked at an imaginary loose thread on the arm of the chair and tried not to move her ankle too much, but sitting still was causing it to stiffen.