Page 90 of Euphoria
Morgan turned at the sound of her name. The flames began to flicker, putting a soft glow over her face. “Hey, I’m not a drug dealer.”
“You could earn a fortune if you were.” Francine laughed more heartedly. “Imagine half the music industry would pay for that service.”
“I imagine half the music industry already does.” Alex chuckled.
A soft knock on the door interrupted them. “I told them no—”
“Just see who it is.” Alex sighed. “It’s probably the police, or Connor.”
“I’ll get it,” Morgan said, standing and heading towards the door. She pulled the curtain back and sneaked a look past it. “It’s the detective from earlier.”
“Sorry,” Siba said when Morgan opened the door. “I know it’s late and you asked not to be disturbed but I wanted to fill you in before I head home.”
Morgan stepped aside and made room for him to enter. He rubbed his hands together, enjoying the warmth of the fire, and Alex imagined a scene from a Christmas rom-com. All it needed was some snow to fall from his shoulders and a declaration of love.
She stood up and shook his hand. “Thank you, I think it would do us all good to know more so we deal with things properly.”
“So, what are we dealing with here?” Francine asked, still on the couch, one leg crossed over the other as she glared in his direction.
“It would seem that someone hid a device under the stage. Firecrackers with a remote switch that could be activated from several hundred metres away.”
“Firecrackers?” Morgan asked. “Like fireworks?”
“Yeah, a lot of noise, but basically harmless,” Siba replied.
“Hardly harmless,” Francine seethed. “That’s not the point. Somehow, someone got close enough to plant this device. It could be a bomb next time.”
“There won’t be a next time,” Alex argued. “We’ll up security and make sure it doesn’t happen again.”
“I’m not discussing it any further. The show goes on,” Alex stated. When no further argument came from Francine, she turned and left the room.
“Well, I’ll bid you all goodnight,” Siba said. “I’ll be in touch tomorrow about taking further statements. And I have two officers on the door until the morning.”
“Thank you, Detective,” Morgan said, showing him out. When the door was firmly closed, she turned to Francine. “So, I guess we’re going to Durham.”
“Hm, looks that way. I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Alright.” Morgan opened the door again. “I’ll speak to her, but I don’t think anything I say will change her mind.”
“No.” Francine sighed. “I think you’re right.”
Opening the door to the bedroom, Morgan found it in darkness. Just the gentle waft of Alex’s perfume in the air of silence. A gentle scent that instantly calmed her.
“Are you still awake?”
“Yes,” came the response as the body beneath the covers shifted and an arm stretched out to hit the switch that would illuminate the area. Alex blinked at the sudden brightness.
“Francine’s gone to head off the press,” Morgan said, moving closer to the bed.
“I’ll probably have to give her a raise after this.” She sat up against the pillows, staring up at Morgan. “Not quite the night we were hoping for, huh?”
One knee on the bed, Morgan said, “No, it isn’t, but I’m just glad that you’re safe.” She manoeuvred herself into the space next to Alex and snuggled in. “That was quite a scary night.”
“Yes, funny isn’t it? That a threat to my life doesn’t cause a panic attack.” Alex chuckled and kissed the top of Morgan’s head. “I’m glad you’re here though, that I don’t have to do this on my own.”
“You mean Francine wouldn’t cuddle up with you?” Morgan joked with a smile that Alex couldn’t see but knew was there.