Page 118 of Their Starlight
“He’s gone to get the other car.”
“Funny time for a striptease,” I try for humour, but he doesn’t laugh.
“Had to stop the bleeding,” he jerks his chin to Gray’s leg, where he’s tied his undershirt around the wound in his thigh.
“And you?”
He twists slightly where I see his pristine white hoodie tied around his shoulder, poorly covering the wound there. We didn’t have enough vests for Jason to have one, but he wasn’t supposedto be in any danger. He was only meant to come back when we’d taken care of all the guards. I move to his side and re-do his makeshift dressing so it’s at least stemming the bleeding.
“It’s a through-and-through, should get you fixed up and good as new with a quick visit from the doc,” I offer him a small smile and he just nods.
“I’m sorry, you shouldn’t have been hurt.”
He shrugs and looks up at me as I stand. “I wanted to make amends.”
He doesn’t need to elaborate; I know he means for all the shitty things he’s done under Sydney’s orders, and all the things he’s said just to fit in with his idiot friends.
“Consider them made.” I hold out my hand and he shakes it, just as the doors burst open.
I’m ready with my gun once more but it’s just Lance and Brent running toward us, they spot Elle and make a beeline for her, but I intercept.
“She’s fine,” I hold my hands up to stop them. “She’s fine.”
“What happened?” Brent asks, looking over my shoulder like he doesn’t quite believe me.
“There were two guards unaccounted for who attacked. They fired at Elle, but Byron took it for her. He’s probably going to have one hell of a bruise underneath his vest but they’re both physically fine. They’re having a moment; let them have it.”
Brent doesn’t seem too happy to do that. I’m about to put my foot down with him but Lance is on me. He grips my hair and pulls me to him in a bruising kiss.
It all comes flooding back to me. Elle was nearly shot. I left Lance fighting his father, unsure if he and Brent would come away the victors. I killed three people. Emotion pours out of me in tears and lust. I handle him as firmly as he does me, not melting for him but meeting fire with fire. Our tongues tangle and dance, I grunt into him and he grunts back into me. We’re frantic with our hands and mouths taking what we can from each other without physically ripping the vests from our bodies.
He pulls away, breathless and kiss swollen and leans his forehead to mine. We’re both watery eyed as we take a moment.
“Are you okay?” I ask, I don’t mean physically.
“You’re here, Elle’s here. I’m good.”
“Guess I should call you your highness now or something, right?” I smile and he blows out a laugh before kissing me once more, lightly and reverently on my craving lips.
A loud sob from Elle draws our attention as she leaps into Brent’s open arms, wrapping herself around him like a second vest. Her father stands behind them, he looks drained and broken but he doesn’t look displeased when Lance and I join them. The three of us each take Elle into our arms and kiss her. I hug Brent, which I don’t think I’ve ever actually done before but he takes it, laughing like it’s finally hit him that we’re all okay and slapping me so hard on the back air is knocked from my lungs.
Byron comes back to our apartment for a very stiff drink and to shower as he hadn’t admitted the real reason for leaving the house tonight to Elle’s mother. While standing at our kitchen island, he keeps his arm around Elle as though he has to keep checking she is still here. She blinks up at him confused by his affection but not complaining.
A very disgruntled Dr Felix came by to patch up Gray and Jason, judging by the lipstick mark on his neck, we’d interrupted a good date. Jason was well enough to go home but we put Gray down in my bed, which apparently is just a guest bed now. With the painkillers the doc gave him, he’s out in seconds.
Peter and his men join us for a drink and there is some normal conversation so it could just about pass as a social gathering. They leave after an hour or so and the four of us are alone.
“I’m going to shower,” Elle swallows. We all nod, watching her carefully, each wanting to follow. She gives a shy smile. “Whose is biggest?”
That’s how we all end up Lance’s shower. Elle sandwiched between Brent and Lance, their lips all over her wet skin, hands roaming and stroking, building her into a frenzy. I stand to the side, stroking my cock in slow and lazy pulls, watching them together.
“Do you need to come, sweetheart?” Lance purrs into her ear from behind.
She nods with a sweet little whimper. But that’s not good enough for the big guy, he grips her chin between his thumb and forefinger. “Use your words, princess.”
“Yes,” she pants. “Yes, I need to come, so bad.”