Page 17 of Their Starlight
“I saw you on stage at t he musical spectacular thing that the music club put on.” Ah, yeah. I was basically a star now. I smiled at him and his eyes raked over my body. Lance slipped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into him. “You were un-fucking-believable.”
“Thanks,” I shrug it off, my mind still with Hayden.
We gave our orders to the new guy before I told the boys I was using the loo, slinking off the bar stool.
I found Hayden and the woman at tall tables collecting empty glasses. She was pretty, brown hair pulled into a sleek ponytail, minimal makeup, and delicate features. She smiled at Hayden with stars in her eyes and I felt sorry for her a little, but no means no, babe. I adjusted my boobs in my dress so they spilt slightly over the neckline and fluffed my hair.
“Hayden!” I shouted over the music and trotted over to him. He looked confused at seeing me and my greeting as though I hadn’t seen him a minute ago. Before he could say anything, I pressed myself to him and kissed him, holding his face in my hands. I was planning on keeping it a clean, lip-to-lip kiss but Hayden surprised me, gripping my hips and teasing the seam of my lips with his tongue. Pretty soon we were kissing in earnest, my hands in his hair and our tongues rolling against each other. He bent over me, and my back arched, I was seconds away from wrapping my leg over his hip and grinding myself on him when he broke away. We were both panting and heated as we straightened up. He looked at me questioningly and I smiled, biting my lip as I tried to wipe the lipstick from his mouth.
“Hi,” I purred.
“What time do you get off?” I asked loud enough for Chrissie to hear and hoping she didn’t miss my double entendre.
“Midnight,” he answered, his slow smile showing that he was catching on to what I was doing.
“I was, um…kinda hoping we could have a repeat of last night.” I kept my voice loud enough for her to hear but husky enough for the implied meaning of my words to sink in. She didn’t need to know that last night, Hayden and I watched The Mummy, taking turns to pause it and see if the other could correctly recite the next line.
Hayden flashed me a knicker-dropping smile. “I’d like that.”
“Good. Well,” I gave him a hungry perusal up and down. “I guess I’ll see you later.” I was going to walk away but he grabbed my waist and pulled me in for another scorching kiss. It was pretend, obviously, I started this game. But I was wet with need. His kisses reminding me of a particularly steamy kitchenencounter a few months ago. By the hard reminder pressing into my hip, Hayden remembered too.
When we broke away, I gave Chrissie a polite smile like I’d only just noticed her there and headed to the ladies’ room. Oh. My. God. I may have convinced Chrissie that we were more than friends, but I may have planted that seed in my own mind too.
Idecided on a business degree as I figured it would be a good all-rounder when looking for a job after university but fuck my life, it is boring. My one saving grace is that both Lance and Brent shared some lectures with me. Brent always sat at the back, scowling at the room like he was getting ready to pick a fight and Lance and I sat together about halfway up the tiered seating in the lecture hall.
As Professor What’s-His-Name droned on about profit margins and accounting software, I rolled my head on my shoulders, my eyes landing on my best friend. I found that term so weird, I’d never really had a best friend. The guys I’d hung out with before were all idiots, good for getting drunk with but no one you could really talk to, no one who was particularly interested in what you had to say.
Lance was always interested. He listened with an intensity I wasn’t used to and asked questions about me that sometimes I didn’t know how to answer because I’d never been asked before. So yeah, Lance was the best friend I’d ever had, and I was so fucking grateful for him. I looked at him next to me, taking in his profile. You could see how long his fair eyelashes were from this angle, his long nose, and the shape of his perfect lips. I stared at those lips, wondering how they would feel against mine, how would Lance taste? He was fucking beautiful. Okay so, he’s my best friend and I may have a teeny tiny crush on him because honestly, anyone into men would have a crush on him. He looks like a Roman god immortalised in marble. It doesn’t matter though, despite the vibes I got from him when we first met, Lance has proven over, and over again that he’s as straight as they come.
He wrote something in his notebook, drawing my attention to his arms clad only in the short sleeves of his black polo shirt, the hem tight around his large bicep. It was a warm spring turninginto a hot summer and his skin had tanned darker and his hair had lightened to bright gold. I knew his tan was even over his whole torso as he liked to walk around in the garden of our ridiculously impressive student house without his shirt on. Brent teased him for being a pretty-boy, wanting to keep his Abercrombie and Fitch physique tanned and photo-ready, but I had no complaints. I kept inside when Lance chose to catch the rays, mostly because I burn at the first sign of sun but also because if I got too close to his bulging pecs and rippling abs, I’d be too tempted to touch. So to avoid awkwardness, I avoid him. Still, watching from a safe distance became my favourite pass time.
Lance flicked his light brown eyes to the side, to glare at me. “Stop staring,” he hissed from the side of his mouth.
“Youstop staring,” I countered in a whisper. I saw his mouth twitch and I jerked my leg to bash into his. He retaliated and before you knew it, we were fighting like brothers in church.
“Mr Pullman, Mr Preston, do either of you have something you’d like to share?” The professor glared at us, holding his hands behind his back and pursing his lips in annoyance.
I sank back into my seat, hiding my smirk behind my hand, but Lance leant forward. “Actually yes, regarding the point you made on the last slide…” he went on to ask a well-structured and thought-out question, showing the professor he had in fact been listening the whole time. I was lost in him once more, marvelling at how he always kept cool and calm. I guess leader of The Daos couldn’t be flustered by someone as trivial as a university professor.
When his question had been answered and Lance could lean back in his seat again, he turned to me, coming to within a couple of inches of my face and growled, “Behave.”
Oh fuck. How bad did I want to misbehave with this man.
Once the lecture was over, we packed up notebooks and water bottles into our bags and Brent met us at our seats. “That was dull as fuck,” he grumbled.
“I honestly couldn’t tell you one thing he said for the entire hour.”
“Well, lucky for you two, I have enough notes for you to leech off of.” Lance swung his bag onto his shoulder.
Brent clapped his cousin on the shoulder, jerking him forward until he nearly fell and Lance glared back, making me laugh harder. “You kids ready to head home?” Brent asked.
“Sure thing, old man,” I snorted.