Page 29 of Their Starlight
I fisted my hands into his t-shirt and got in his face with a snarl. “I said, move.” I pushed him out of my way and hightailed down the stairs and out the door as my heart burst with no chance of repair. I didn’t get far before I heard the door opening and footsteps running to catch up.
Imade it to my room and managed to close the door before my legs gave way. I dropped like a bag of potatoes and curled into the foetal position. I slapped my hands over my mouth just in time to catch the wail that bubbled from my throat. I wouldn’t let them hear me.
How had I read things so very wrong? I’d thought we were on the same page. I could identify a fuck-boy from a mile away. I had no problem with casual, with fun; but Lance wasn’t that. In the week since we’d started this thing, I had seen the future. I had known with every fibre of my being that Lance, Hayden, and I were going to be together. Forever. How had I been so stupid?
He was my best friend. For three years he’d been everything I’d needed, he laughed with me, listened to my ridiculous musings as well as my genuine fears. He had looked after me when sick and dried my tears when they fell. He’d shown me his smiles and his unbridled laughter, which I knew he hid from the rest of the world.
I was a fleeting fancy to him? Nothing but a game to play? How blind had I been? Tears, snot, and saliva ran off my face and onto the carpet as I tried to keep quiet through the absolute agony in my chest. My body shook with all-consuming sobs and every time I closed my eyes, the beautiful future I’d pictured crumbled and burnt before me.
I don’t know how long I stayed there; minutes, hours, or days passed before my tears dried and I had enough strength to haul myself to my bed where my handbag was. I dug around for my phone and called my parents. Neither answered. I tried the other number I had and he answered on the second ring.
“Miss Maxwell?” The smile was evident in his voice.
“Peter?” There was obviously something in my voice as his tone completely changed when he spoke next.
“What’s happened, are you in danger?”
Was I? I mean, I don’t think I was in immediate danger of physical harm, I was just broken. My heart was in danger…or maybe the damage had already been done.
“Eleanor, are you okay?” He spoke again, panic growing.
“I need to come home,” I choked out.
There was a slight pause. “You’re graduating tomorrow, no?”
“Yes, I’ll come back for the day or something, I can’t think about that now. I just…Peter, please, I just need to be out of this house.” My tears started once more and my voice broke over my words.
“One sec.” There was some rustling and background voices for a minute before he came back on the line. “Give me two hours.”
I hung up and took a deep breath to steady my nerves. Then, without thinking about Lance Preston, Hayden Pullman, or Brent O’Reilly, I proceeded to pack my room.
“Don’t fucking run away from me!” I ran after Lance’s retreating form. The sun was just starting to set and the air was growing colder, but the fire in my belly was keeping me warm. I don’t know what had happened between Elle and I leaving this afternoon to when we got home, but something set Lance on this path. I know for a fact that the disgusting things he’d just spouted at Elle were not his true feelings.
Lance did not stop walking or turn to acknowledge me. I was losing my shit. I caught up with him and grabbed his shoulder. He immediately shrugged me off, turning and shoving me hard in the chest. I managed to keep my feet beneath me but my anger spewed out of me and I pushed him back.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“Fuck off Hayden, just go home.” He tried to turn from me but I jumped in front of him once more.
“Why did you say that shit to Elle? Why would you lie?” I was shouting at him, and the surrounding neighbours were surely hearing us.
“What makes you think I was lying? You know, you’re not as fucking perceptive as you think you are. We’ve had our fun but now it’s over and the quicker everyone gets that into their heads, the better.”
I shook my head, my brows furrowing, trying to understand what the hell was going on in his head. “No. You love her, I know you do. Don’t you dare lie to me, Lance. I’ve been your friend for three years. We’ve lived together, studied together, drank together, and fucked together. I know you. I knowwhoyou are. I know whoyouare. So don’t fucking lie to me.”
My anger withered slightly when I saw the wetness pooling in his eyes. He tried to hide it though, behind fury. For the second time today, he grabbed at my shirt, curling his fingers into thefabric and pulling me until our noses nearly touched, I could practically see myself in the glaze in his eyes. “What did you expect to happen? The three of us were going to ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after? She’s a fucking princess, but I am no goddam prince!” My heart was breaking along with his, seeing the total defeat in his eyes. “People like me don’t get a happily ever after, Hayden.”
I stroked his arms, bringing my hands to rest on his fist in my shirt, trying to gentle him. “Lance…”
“And why are you so fucking upset, huh?” He continued, his voice breaking slightly now as a tear escaped, trailing down his cheek. “You can have her all to yourself, you can give her everything she deserves. You get to hold her, kiss her, fuck her, take care of her. You get it all. So why don’t you just be thankful and leave me the fuck alone?”