Page 94 of Their Starlight
He moans, closing his eyes.
“Words, Lance. Tell me with words,” I hiss through gritted teeth trying to hold back my orgasm.
“Yes. Fuck, yes. I want you to come in me. Fill me up,” he cries.
I come hard, spurting hot seed into Lance and collapsing on top of him. We’re all damp with sweat and panting moist breaths, but I am so fucking satisfied, I don’t care.
“Can’t breathe,” Elle complains in an exaggerated wheeze.
Lance and I both laugh and move to give her some air. I slip free from Lance and somehow, he manages to roll the two of us so I land on my back and he’s lying on top of me. His lips mesh with mine and his tongue pushes through to kiss me thoroughly. He hitches my leg behind my knee to wrap around his hip and I slide my hand into his golden curls. The kiss is raw and passionate and so many words are spoken through the connection.
“Thank you,” I whisper against his lips, so quietly I doubt Elle can hear despite her watching us with a wide smile on her face.Lance just gives me a bright grin and plants a chaste kiss on my lips again.
Our blissful moment is broken when the light through the door is nearly completely blocked out. We all look over to see Brent hovering in the frame.
“Thought I’d wait for you to finish before I came to ask why the fuck you’re not answering your phone.” His words are biting but the slight tilt of his lips say he’s not all that mad.
“If you hadn’t insisted on working all night, you could have joined us,” I tease him with a wink. I roll off Lance and over Elle to lay behind her and spoon her gloriously naked body as Brent was clearly speaking to Lance. I stroke my fingers lightly over her thigh and hip, smacking a kiss on her shoulder. If Brent needs Lance for something right now, I am more than happy to keep Elle warm in bed for the rest of the day, but his next words slam the brakes on that thought.
“I’ve got them.”
Lance’s eyes narrow and his expression hardens, he only pauses a second before he springs out of bed, stark bollock naked and giving zero fucks. I guess once you’ve shared the woman of your dreams with you cousin, it doesn’t matter if you see each other’s junk anymore.
“Give me ten minutes,” he says, and Brent gives a solemn nod.
“What’s going on?” Elle asks, her eyes darting between them.
I pull her close against my chest. “Brent’s found the guy who attacked you,” I say gently, not wanting to freak her out. I can feel her muscles go rigid in my arms.
“You said them…” She says to Brent, bringing my attention to that fact too.
Another slow but silent nod from the mountainous man in the doorway. He turns his attention to me. “You’ll stay with her?”
“Of course,” I say, kissing her shoulder again.
“Wait, I want to come.” She starts getting up, stretching her limbs tantalizingly as she does. The other two shared incredulous looks but I just chuckle. Should have seen that coming.
“No, sweetheart. You have to stay here.”
“Why?” She faces Lance, every ounce of attitude she has blazing in the glare she gives him.
He pauses on his way to the bathroom. “Because you don’t need to see this.”
“I want to,” she shrugs like she’s talking about watching a new show on Netflix, not witnessing Lance at his most brutal. “I’m going to shower and will be at the front door in ten minutes.” She doesn’t wait for him to argue, pushing past Brent but not without first pressing a kiss to his cheek. He was far too distracted by her nakedness to reason with her either.
Brent grumbles incoherently as he retreats back up the hall, and I head to the shower to find Lance. He’s already under the spray when I join him, running my hands down his front as I press my chest to his back.
“You okay?”
He sighs and pauses his washing, “I don’t want her to see this.”
I laugh and he turns his head to give me a confused look. “I meant after what we just did. Elle is stronger than you give her credit for, Lance. You kept a lot from her for a long time, you need to let her see it all now, trust her to see you and still love you.”
“It’s not me, not therealme.”
He turns back to the spray so I stroke up and down his arms as I contemplate my next words. “You’re not your father, Lance. But you are a Dao.” He freezes but doesn’t say anything. “If you were given the option to get out now, no strings attached, you wouldn’t. You may not be the heartless ruler you have to pretend to be, but this is a part of you.”
He slumps his shoulders defeatedly. “You really do read people like a book, don’t you?”