Page 99 of Their Starlight
“You know I’m not going to let you go in there all guns blazing.” His smirk was back. “I like you Preston, I think you’re good for the girl and Byron needs to hear whatever you’ve come to say. Just know that they only ever think they are doing theright thing for her, they’re misguided but their intentions aregood.”
I flick my eyes to his hand on my arm again and he lets go this time. I give him a nod, trying to subdue some of my anger. He continues leading me through the house, the pristine white marble floors clicking under my shoes and reverberating through the hallway with each step. We arrive at a relatively small room with two couches facing each other on either side of a glass coffee table. If we were in one of those period dramas Elle likes, I would say we were in a drawing room.
Byron and Pricilla stand in front of one couch, him with a scowl on his face, hands clasped behind his back, her with a nervous pout and hands clasped in front of her. I stand just inside the door, matching Elle’s father’s vibes.
“Mr Preston, what a pleasant surprise,” Pricilla mumbles.
“Is it?” I question with an arched brow.
“What exactly is it we can do for you?” Byron questions.
“You hurt my girl,” I say, low and steely.
He scoffs, looking down his nose at me. “Yourgirl? Don’t you mean yours and your little buddies’?”
“That’s what you’re choosing to focus on here?” He just scowls deeper. “Listen, I was ready to come in here and knock you the fuck out.” His brows shoot to his hairline. “But I genuinely don’t think Elle wants that, so I’ll let you keep breathing for now.”
“Now, listen here—” he starts, but I keep going.
“Instead, I will tell you that I am in love with your daughter. I have been for years, and I will be for the rest of my life.” Pricilla gasps slightly. “Yes, there are three of us all in the same position. We all love her, adore her, and will do anything for her. You shouldn’t be pissed about that because some bullshit social construct tells you to be. Instead, you should sleep well at night knowing that your only daughter has the love and respect of three men who would die to protect her.”
“It’s unsavoury,” Byron hisses.
“You calling us sweet, Maxwell?” I grin at him arrogantly and he just sucks his teeth.
“Mr Preston, please understand that this is difficult for us. It’s not exactly the future we saw for our daughter.” Pricilla sits downon the couch, Byron follows. They haven’t invited me to sit so I just come further into the room, keeping my clenched fists in my pocket and blowing out a long breath, hoping some of my anger is expelled with the air.
“As far as I can see, that’s always been your problem,” I say, trying to keep my voice clear of the anger they instil in me. “You have a future in mind for Elle without ever considering her hopes and dreams. She’s been trying to prove herself to you whilst remaining true to herself her whole life, and you’ve only ever compared her to the daughter you’d envisaged before getting to know her.”
“Do you have children?” Elle’s mother asks mildly.
“No, Ma’am. But I am a son to a father who tries to enforce his own ideals on those around him and is impossible to please. I can assure you that I understand Elle’s position, but unlike my own relationship with my father, I think yours can be salvaged with Elle.”
“And that’s why you’re here?” Byron asks.
“I’m here because I love Elle. I want her to be happy and if I pick up the phone to her crying again because you’ve hurt her, I’ll personally ensure that you hurt too.” Byron’s eyes narrow and flick to Peter over my shoulder but he doesn’t say anything. “So, I’m here to say that you either need to sort your shit out and make amends to your daughter or cut ties completely and let her live her life without your outdated and cuntish opinions hanging over her head.”
Byron looks about ready to blow, his face is a light puce colour, nostrils flared, he looks like he’s about to say something but his wife places a gentle hand on his leg. “We don’t want to lose our daughter.”
“Then don’t push her away. Learn to accept who she is and love her for it.”
Pricilla turns to her husband with pleading eyes. “Please, darling. Let us try to mend bridges.”
His eyes soften looking at her and for a moment, the couple that Elle described from her parents’ wedding video were in front of me. “Yes, I know. I don’t want to lose her, Cill. I don’t know why I said what I said, it was a gut reaction. I’m sorry, sweetheart, I know this has been playing on your mind.” Hekisses her temple and turns his eyes to me with much less softness. “I don’t like you coming into my house and making idle threats, Preston.” He stands, so we are eye level.
“I’ve never made anidlethreat in my life” I pin him with a pointed glare.
His eyes shoot to Peter again and I hear the other man chuckle behind me. “Trust me, boss, the kid wouldn’t get far.” I want to roll my eyes at that, but I just keep my expression the same.
“However,” Byron swings his gaze to me. “I believe you when you say you love Eleanor. I can’t say I am happy about this whole situation, but I will keep my opinions to myself on the matter.”
“Good. Now hustle, you’re coming with me.”
“Excuse me?”
I force myself to smile and walk out the room, hoping they follow.
Starlight Lounge is busy tonight, the DJ is on fire and the dancefloor is packed with sweaty writhing bodies. Because everyone is enjoying the thumping music, there is a table available toward the back of the room. I pretty much command the Maxwells to sit while Peter slinks to the bar, then I go in search of Elle to warn her, I don’t want her catching sight of her parents halfway through a performance and slip up.