Page 22 of Broken
“All set,” Olivia announced, walking back into the living room and grabbing her purse.
Matteo stood to open the door for us and then we headed down to the SUV where we loaded in the back and Matteo began to drive us.
“Have you been to this area of Texas before?” I asked Olivia.
“I haven’t. But seems like a nice area.”
“I don’t think I ever asked where you were originally from.”
“Oh. San Francisco, California.”
“Oh okay. You sure you don’t have family looking for you?”
She reached over, covering my hand with hers. “No one is looking for me. I promise.”
“Well, we’re family now.”
She smiled wide and reached to hug me. “You’re like a sister to me. I appreciate everything you have done for me. One day, I’ll pay you back somehow.”
“Family helps family. Okay?”
I was an only child, but I imagined this was what having a sister felt like. I just felt a love for her and protective over her. I know it was because of that bond we shared and no one could break that bond. Just like sisters.
“We’re here,” Matteo announced as he pulled into a parking space of the doctor’s office.
“I’ll text you when we’re done,” I told him as we exited the vehicle. Surely, he didn’t think he was coming in with us. I’d imagine even waiting in the waiting room would make him nervous.
Inside, we checked in at the front desk. Olivia went to sit in one of the chairs and I talked to the nurse. “While we’re here, can I take a pregnancy test?”
“Sure. Your name will be called shortly.”
I sat next to Olivia. “I’m going to take a pregnancy test once the doctor is done with you.”
“Kara. Do you think you’re pregnant?”
“I don’t know. I’ve never been pregnant before. But I missed my period. It’s probably just stress or something.”
“Have you and Damon been active?”
“We have.”
“It would be fun to be pregnant together.”
That fact made me smile. “It would be.”
Olivia’s name was called and we headed back to a room. The nurse came in and took Olivia’s vitals before the doctor entered the room.
“Hi Olivia. I’m Doctor Treyvon. I’ll be overseeing your pregnancy from here on out. Let’s get you set up on the table so we can do an ultrasound and let you hear the baby’s heartbeat.”
Once she was situated, she reached over to take my hand while the doctor put some goo on her belly that was barely poking out. The sonogram wand was pressed on her stomach and moved around until we could hear the baby’s heartbeat.
“Oh my god,” Olivia’s eyes filled with tears and she squeezed my hand as we listened to the sound. It was surreal.
“Everything seems good. Just keep coming in on your scheduled visits so we can get a plan going on your delivery.”
“Thank you, doctor.”