Page 7 of Broken
“A date. I want to properly take you out on dates if you will allow me to. It would give us a chance to start over.”
Knowing my answer, I paused just to make Damon sweat for a few seconds. “I’d like that very much.”
“Great. I’ll come by at six on Wednesday.”
“Perfect. I’ll see you then. Goodnight, Damon.”
“Goodnight, Kara.”
Chapter Five
The smell of coffee wafted through the apartment, causing me to stretch my body and wake up. Sliding out of bed, I grabbed a pair of leggings and pulled on an off-the-shoulder top, leaving my hair in a top knot.
I padded out to the kitchen and reached for a mug. “Morning,” I said, looking over to Matteo, who was already sipping on a mug and reading the newspaper. Who does that anymore?
“Good morning.”
“Thanks for making this.”
“Sure thing.”
I made my cup and moved to the sofa where Matteo already folded the blankets and organized them into a pile on the pillows. Thank god he was neat. I imagined his own place was probably neat and tidy.
There was a laptop on the oversized coffee table. I looked to Matteo, “May, I?”
“It’s yours. Damon stopped by and dropped it off for you earlier.”
“Oh. I wish he would have woken me up.”
“He peeked in on you and saw you sleeping. He didn’t want to disturb you.”
Reaching for the laptop, I got started on my resume, which was taking forever to do because even though I had a college degree in child education, I’d only had menial jobs. Once that was done, I started searching the job listings. I needed something, but nothing too stressful. At the same time, I was kind of desperate for something to occupy my time and to give me a sense of normalcy. I just wanted to be normal for once.
Scanning the ads, I applied for a position at a chain department store, an administrative assistant at a real estate firm, a front office receptionist. Then I saw a position open for a teacher’s aide. What were the odds? I might as well try it even though I probably wouldn’t get it.
After filling out a few more applications, I closed the laptop and I wasn’t quite sure what else to do with myself. But if I was working on myself, I might as well get some exercise in. “I’m gonna get changed and go for a run,” I told Matteo.
“Okay. I’ll have to go along so I can keep an eye on you. Care if I go to the car to get a change of clothes?”
“Be my guest.”
I liked Matteo and I didn’t know what his story was. But how was I suppose to work on myself when I had someone hovering over me all the time? Granted, I barely knew he was around.
In my bedroom, I grabbed some track pants and a tank top with the matching jacket. I couldn’t remember the last time I exercised. And if Damon knew, he would probably forbid it, saying I lost too much weight already. But running wasn’t about losing weight; it was about clearing my head and making peace with my past. I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and put my phone in my pocket.
“Ready?” I asked Matteo.
“Ready when you are. I’ll jog behind you, so you can still have your space and I can keep you protected.”
“Sounds good.”
The trail was a short walk from my apartment and I really liked that it was so close and easily accessible. I did a few leg stretches and started a light jog.
One thing I had learned was to be aware of my surroundings. Don’t get distracted. While most people would wear earbuds to listen to music and I loved listening to music, I couldn’t. Even with Matteo jogging closely behind me, I had to be aware of everything.
Granted, back when I was younger, I was more careless, even with a mob boss for a father. But I can tell you, powerful people like that, they notice everyone in a room with one glance. They will even sit in the back of a restaurant where they can face the door to see who is coming in and going out. You never ever put your back to the door.