Page 20 of Bound
I waited for what seemed like forever, but then again that was a lot of cash to be dueling out at one time. It was fifteen minutes later when Mr. Allen appeared with the money in a brief case.
“Looks like you are all set, Miss Ricci.”
“Thank you again, Mr. Allen.”
I walked out of the bank with the money in tow. Back in the SUV, I texted the number that kept texting me.I have the money. In exchange, you will hand over the phone that has the videos and anything else that has them on it. Or no deal. I will take my chances.
Those three dots appeared showing me I was getting a reply. Ballsy. But I’ll agree to it.
And you will never contact me again or ask for any more money.-K
“Head home, now,” I told the driver.
I decided to skip the rest of the errands I was planning on doing because I wanted to be home before Damon got there. There was no way I wanted him to see the money so I would have to conceal it somehow.
Chapter Thirteen
“Are we all set?” I asked Damon as I got ready for the dinner.
“I’m ready when you are,” he replied with his devilish grin.
Susie and Rose also joined us in the SUV. There was no way I would not include Susie in the wedding and the festivities. She was like a second mother to Rose, and I cherished her as we had grown close.
The money was loading down my purse and I second guessed even bringing it along, but I was too paranoid to let it out of my sight until it was handed over. Tomorrow, I would have to meet whoever it was texting me and blackmailing me.
Luckily, I hid the money at the bottom and covered it up with my essentials that I normally carried. But the bag was heavy. More than anything, I was paranoid and wondered if someone we knew was blackmailing us. The angle of the videos looked like they were in the opposite direction of where we were. So, someone was watching the house before we even got there.
Damon squeezed my knee. “What’s on your mind? You seem so far away lately.”
I smiled. “Probably pregnancy brain. Sometimes the past comes creeping back into my mind.”
“You don’t need to think about the past.”
“I know. It’s mostly my father that pops in my head. Had he been a decent person, he would have been able to meet his grandbabies.”
Damon squeezed my hand. “We have friends and family that are happy for us and steps in whenever we need them.”
“I know.”
Damon leaned over to kiss my cheek.
“Looks like we’re here,” Susie said as we arrived at the restaurant.
Damon took my hand as we made our way inside. Everyone had already arrived and they greeted us. We made our way around the large, family-style table and hugged or shook hands with everyone. I was happy to see Olivia had made it with her little baby girl and Matteo at her side.
“Can I hold her?” I asked as I sat next to my best friend.
“Absolutely.” She carefully handed the baby over to me.
“You look like a natural,” Olivia told me, smiling.
“And you look great for recently having a baby.”
“Please. The postpartum is a bitch. Thank god for Matteo and his mom. I would literally just lay in bed all day if it weren’t for them.”