Page 5 of Bound
Chapter Three
I had a daughter. That knowledge was hard to grasp. She had been with us a week already and had acclimated quite well. She was no longer shy around me. Christmas was right around the corner, and I was looking forward to spoiling her rotten.
“Daddy,” Rose whispered shyly.
“Yes, baby.”
She leaned in close so she could whisper in my ear. “Can I call Kara Mommy?”
My heart filled up with so much love. “If you want to. I’m sure she won’t mind.”
Kara looked at us suspiciously. “What are you two scheming?”
Rose and I were thick as thieves now. And I relished being a father. It was a love I never knew I could give. I mean, I knew Kara was pregnant and I was so happy. But with my daughter here right now, it was a love I couldn’t explain.
Rose giggled, looking to me and back to Kara.
“She asked if she could call you Mommy.”
Tears welled up in Kara’s eyes. “Oh my gosh. You are such a precious girl. Of course you can call me Mommy. I know I’m not your real Mommy, but I will do the best I can to be a good mother to you. I will treat you as if you are my own. I promise.” Kara hugged Rose tightly and kissed her head.
I lifted Rose up and playfully threw her in the air and caught her. “Don’t drop her.”
“I won’t. I see you are already being protective,” I told her.
“Can’t help it. Just wait until she gets older and we’ll see who is protective then,” she teased.
“Yeah. She’s not dating until she’s thirty. And even then, I’ll have my gun ready.”
“Damon Alessio!” Kara scolded.
“I’m kidding. Kind of.”
Kara had to laugh anyway. “This is so different from when we first met. It’s hard to believe.”
“Yes, it is. But I like this.”
Kara smiled. “Damon the family man.”
“Has a nice ring to it. Don’t you think?” Rose rested on my lap and sucked her thumb. She was too adorable.
“I was thinking we could go out to dinner tonight. You can wear something nice; Rose can wear that dress she is obsessed with.”
“That sounds amazing.” Kara leaned in to kiss me.
Rose was obsessed with everythingFrozenrelated and loved her Frozen themed dress. She threw a fit when we had to wash it and she had to wear something else.
“You ladies look beautiful,” I told Kara as she wore a dress showing off her growing baby bump and holding Rose’s hand as they bounded down the stairs.
Susie was off for the evening, and Matteo and Olivia were at his home where they now lived permanently. It didn’t mean I had less security around me, because I still had to be cautious. And Matteo still did his job and anything else I needed. But these days we were taking a family break. I knew once the baby came and we got into a routine work would resume as normal. But I wanted to be more legit in my business dealings because I had a family now. And I wanted to be there for them.
“Rose, you’ve been so good and you ate all your food. Good job,” Kara complimented her as we ate our dinner.