Page 23 of Only In the Dark
“We’re her parents, and we barely see her,” her mom states.
Dinner goes off without a hitch, and everyone sings Happy Birthday to my dad, and we all enjoy cake and ice cream. While everyone moves to leave, I help mom clean up.
“Who is the boy?” Mom asks.
“How did you know?”
“What else would you need to talk to your father about?” she smiles. “You are a grown woman now; you never need us anymore. And we barely know what is going on in your life.”
“That’s because I am always working.”
“And the boy?”
I make sure no one else can hear. “It’s Dominick LaRocca.”
She shakes her head knowingly. “Your father is fighting with his step dad.”
“I know.”
“If you like this guy, just know this life is not for everyone. Sometimes it’s very hard. You will have to make sacrifices.”
“What kind of sacrifices?”
“Your job. It’ll be the first to go when you start having kids.”
“What if I can’t give that up?”
“There will be other sacrifices. You have to decide what you can and can’t give up. If I know your father, he told you we don’t want that life for you.”
“He did tell me that.”
“Only you can decide that.”
“Thanks mom. I gotta head home now.” I hug my mom.
“Love you. I know you being here meant a lot to your father.”
“Love you, too.” I go search for my dad, who is now smoking a cigar with the last friend here.
“Hey, dad, I’m gonna head out. Happy birthday.”
“Love you, too, kiddo.” He kisses my cheek.
“Love you.”
Grabbing my coat and purse, I call for an uber and then text Dom.
Hey. Can we meet tomorrow for dinner? I didn’t expect tonight to run so late.
It’s not a bother to me.-Dom
I should probably get some sleep.
Are you sure?-Dom
Yeah. I’ll text you tomorrow.
Okay. Have a good night.-Dom