Page 39 of Submit
We take a drink of our beers.The guys make their way over to me, and they each either fully hug me or they do that awkward half hug.
“Show us the ring, woman,” Cutter says.
Holding my hand up, Griffin explains that it is the only thing he has of his mothers.It truly brings tears to my eyes.
“You did good, Griff,” Killer joins in.
“When’s the wedding?”Lock asks.
“I want to wait three to six months.Once everything is settled down and we figure out this avenue, then we will get married.And I want Claire to be able to celebrate as well when she is feeling better.”
“I’m surprised it didn’t happen sooner,” Rowan jokes.
“Want another beer?”Griffin asks.
When the guys scatter, Rowan sticks around.“I just want to thank you for being the friend you are to my sister.I know you mean a lot to her, and she does to you.Even though both of you are a pain in my ass…”
“I wanted to tell you that I appreciate everything you have done recently for her.I know you were worried like the rest of us.”
I nod in agreement.“Honestly, I don’t know where I would be without her.She’s like a sister to me, like you guys are brothers to me.“Have you heard from her?”I ask.
Looking down at the ground, he shakes his head.Sadness fills me, wishing I could take the pain away.
Just then, I rush over to Hayden as soon as he comes through the door.“How is she?”
“I walked her to her door, and then she shut it in my face.Told me she wanted to be alone.I was half tempted to spend the night on her porch.”
“We’ll give her the space tonight.I’ll head over there in the a.m.”
Griffin appears, sliding his arm around my waist, he pulls me close.“It’s been a long ass day, should we head to bed?”
* * *
“I swear to God, Claire, if you don’t open this goddamn door…”
It swings open.“You’ll what?Huff and puff and blow my door down?”
“Very funny.”I let myself inside before she has a chance to shut the door in my face.
“What do you want, As?”
“I came to see how you’re doing.And I brought booze,” I smile, holding the bottle up.
Taking the bottle from me, she takes a swig.“What the fuck is that?”she points to my ring.
“Griffin proposed.But we are going to enjoy the engagement for a while before we get married.”
She plops on the couch with the bottle in her hand.“I’m happy for you.”She says it with so much disdain.I ignore her comment and ask her, “Is there anything I can do for you?Do you want to talk about what happened?”
“No!I’m going to drink this to forget what happened.”
“Do you really think that is a good idea?”