Page 10 of A Chance to Love
Throughout the tale, my gaze doesn't waver from his. I show him that I'm here, really present, listening to him without judgment. When he finishes his story, he's quiet for a beat, then leans back on the couch as if a heavy burden has finally been lifted.
“Thanks for listening,” he murmurs gently.
My stomach growls, breaking the silence that follows. Dean whips his head around, a sheepish grin on his face. “You haven't eaten dinner yet, huh?”
I shake my head and he rises, heading for the door. “I'll cook something,” he suggests. “You go freshen up. That's enough work for today.”
I grin at him, appreciative of his thoughtfulness as I lock up the office and trail him into the kitchen. “How about we order takeout?” I propose, displaying the assortment of menus we have. “Give you a chance to unwind.”
He seems to mull it over, then smiles. “Sure,” he concedes. “Let's order in.” He pauses, looking at me. I can tell he wants to ask what I want but I shake my head and head upstairs. It's high time he starts making his own choices. Plus, I'd eat anything.
The evening unfolds with an unexpected charm. Dean's ordered sushi - my go-to comfort food - demonstrating an attention to detail that leaves me pleasantly surprised. We're seated in the kitchen, sushi plates neatly placed before us, and the vibe is so chill it feels almost surreal. The silence between us is comfortable; no need to fill it with needless chatter. Hard to believe just a few days ago, this place was filled with nothing but raised voices.
Dean looks at me with curiosity, as if trying to unravel every facet of my being. “How’s Kyle?” he ventures, aiming to spark a conversation.
“Kyle...” I smile, my mind drifting back to the love of my life. “He's a real stand-up guy. Works his tail off, sometimes too much, but he does it to keep this city safe. He's a courageous cop, and fearless, which makes me proud and scared all at once.”
His eyes brighten, and he smiles. “Any idea when he's getting back?” he asks, a hint of concern in his voice.
I glance at the wall clock and realize how much time has flown by. “Well, given the time, I don't think he'll be back 'til about six hours from now,” I respond, fighting to keep my disappointment in check.
Dean nods slowly, taking in my words. “I'll leave a note for him then. I've got the early shift tomorrow and will be out before dawn. I promise I'll clear out as soon as possible.”
“No way, Dean. You're welcome here as long as you need.”
“Are you sure?”
“Don't be silly. We lead a pretty chaotic life, but on weekends, we're both home,” I shrug, “and no, you're not a bother, but you gotta promise me you'll speak up if you need anything and that you'll join us for meals.”
“And you, no more skipping meals.” He extends his hand and I shake it.
As I savor the mouth-watering sushi, I begin to see glimpses of the Dean I used to know before Greta. And it warms my heart. Maybe, just maybe, he's finally finding himself again, and I'm grateful to be here, bearing witness to this transformation.
Chapter Five
Even though it's been nearly a week since Dean holed up in his room, seeing him so broken up really gets to me. Sometimes, I just want to bust down his door and shake some sense into him. Miriana’s opened my eyes to how deep the despair and guilt can go for someone coming out of a tough spot. I miss the old Dean, the guy before all this mess, before he got wrecked by her, the same guy who’s now on the edge of ruining everything.
I’m boiling mad; I rub my face, trying to cool down the anger eating me up. In my line of work, I’ve seen some pretty rough stuff, but nothing prepared me for that twisted scene I walked into. That moment, seeing Greta’s true colors on full display like some horror show, was a brutal wake-up call. When I saw her going after Miriana, I lost it; I would’ve done anything to protect her, rules be damned. Nobody gets to lay a hand on Miriana, especially not her.
My cellphone buzzes on the desk, pulling me out of these dark thoughts, and I can’t help but smile seeing Miri’s name pop up. It’s like she knows when I’m in a funk, even from miles away. She’s told me she can’t sleep well without me around, and we often end up texting or talking on the phone into the wee hours, work schedule permitting. Every message from her is a light in the dark, a reminder that, no matter what, nothing’s breaking our bond.
I relax in the armchair as I pick up. “Hi, baby.”
“Hey love, we need to talk about Dean.” Her trembling voice sends my heart into my throat, and I can't tell if she is worried or nervous.
“What happened?” My tone comes out harsher than I would have liked.
“It's about Greta,” she sighs heavily, “Dean and I talked tonight. I know it's supposed to be confidential, but knowing that rang a bell.”
I sit upright, whatever he said shook her up. “Honey, calm down, okay?” I wait a couple of seconds as she takes a deep breath. “If you were able to talk to Dean it's good but I don't understand why you're upset.”
“They didn't sign a prenup.”
The alarm bell starts ringing in my head as well.Shit!“Why not? I told him he had to secure all.” I run a hand through my hair. “What an idiot!”
“Kyle!” scolds Miriana. “You're not being fair. If I had made you choose between me and the contract what would you have done?”