Page 33 of A Chance to Love
Dean and I both took a week off to be with Miriana and get her out of the city, away from painful reminders. We chose our family cabin in Aspen, a tranquil and secluded spot, perfect for making her feel safe. It was a time of rest and healing for all of us.
However, now it's time to face the music and tell Miriana about the baby. We don't want to keep anything from her, but we're also concerned about her emotional state and how she might react.
Dean and I wake up early and decide to let Miriana sleep in while we head into town to pick up some groceries. We both need this moment to brace ourselves for what's to come. We have no idea how Miriana will react, and we need to be ready to support her, no matter her response.
Upon opening the cabin door, it's clear that something is off. Miriana is in the kitchen, her gaze distant, phone in hand. She's trying to focus, but her mind seems elsewhere.
“What's wrong?” I ask anxiously, noting her vacant stare. “Are you feeling okay?”
“Could you help me out before Mir-” Dean starts to grumble, but as soon as Miriana spots us, her expression changes, and a smile appears. “Good morning, babes,” she greets us, and we exchange a knowing look. The unspoken question hangs in the air between us: has she figured it out? The fear of her reaction is eating at me.
Miriana shakes her head, smiling. “You guys should have woken me up, I could have done the shopping.”
“That's your way of showing us love,” Dean says, finishing my thought, “But also our way to show the same, you can cook with us though.”
Miriana smiles as the three of us put away the groceries. It's a pleasant moment, cooking and eating together. But after lunch, Dean gets up and heads to the living room to fetch two boxes. I know what he's planning, I can't help but feel my heart race as I watch him.
After a sigh to gather courage, Dean sits in front of Miri. She has such a sweet smile that makes me feel good.It's what I would love to see forever.“I was at rock bottom. I knew I had one way out of a nightmare, but you showed me a new path,” his hands tremble and I laugh seeing him so nervous, getting a dead look from him.Oops, sorry bro.“My life wouldn't make sense without you. You gave it meaning, teaching me how to truly live. You completed my soul.” Miri strokes his cheek and Dean continues. He says he wants to spend the rest of his life with us. Then he opens one of the boxes showing her the rings. The saleswoman raised an eyebrow when we ordered them, considering the request to have them ready in a day, but in the end, she did her job without asking questions.
Watching this scene unfold feels strangely familiar, like a distant memory or dream. I don't believe in reincarnation, but with Miri, something bigger seems to be at play. I always said she is an angel sent to guide me to man up. For her, I would move mountains because I owe her the world, even if she doesn't realize it.
“Do you want to be ours forever?” Dean asks, seeing tears well up in Miriana's eyes. “Not that you have much of a choice,” he jokes.
Miriana laughs. “I couldn't imagine a different life, Dean. I love you more than life itself.” Dean slips the ring on her finger, joining another ring already there, and she sweetly kisses his hand before returning the gesture.
“Sure you don't want a different life, baby?” I gently stroke her face.
“I couldn't be happier than I am with you two,” she asserts, but I can sense a hidden longing in her words.
Dean reaches for the other box.
“You've put your own desires aside...” I begin, but Miriana cuts me off.
“No, Kyle,” she places her hand over my mouth, “I have no regrets. Everything is perfect as is. Maybe, in the future, we can consider adoption. But for now, I have you.”
Kissing her hand I then place it gently on her stomach. “Maybe we'll consider adoption in a few years,” l suggest,or never, causing Miriana's eyes to widen in surprise.
“What?” she stammers, her confusion evident. Dean opens the second box, revealing an ultrasound. Miriana is left speechless, her eyes fixed on the image. The first tears start rolling down her cheeks as she sees the date and her name above. She turns her head to look at us in turn.
“W-what does this mean?” Miriana stammers.
“We replaced your contraceptives months ago,” I explain, her gaze returning to the ultrasound she holds with trembling hands. She catches her breath as she searches for words.
“I couldn't deny you the only desire you had,” I admit, the emotion struggling not to betray my voice.
“You couldn't?” she snaps, standing up. The box falls to the ground with a dull noise as Dean and I exchange a glance. Dean reaches out to her, “Sweetheart...”
“Don't even try to touch me,” she moves abruptly and shoves me before moving away. “You got me pregnant.”
“Love, calm down...”
“Calm down? Calm down, you say?” she nervously laughs, “you acted behind my back, and I should calm down?” Dean takes a step towards her, but Miriana incinerates him with her gaze.
“Love, trust, freedom.” She shakes her head as tears streak her face, “you betrayed everything I loved about us. You took everything from me!”
“It's not like that...”
“Oh no?” she interrupts, “I wasn't important enough to ask for my opinion? To give me the choice and experience the moment and the anticipation?” she pauses as her words pierce my heart like a sharp blade.