Page 37 of Code Name: Magnet
“I bet you’ve read all of them too, haven’t you?”
My cheeks flushed at Zeppelin’s question. “I have.”
“You’re like me. I review them again and again,” said Verity. “However, unlike you, I go back and skim them when I’m looking for something. You know, you should do an introduction to the new arrivals.”
My eyes opened wide. “Me?”
Magnet and Nemesis returned to the room and, when they spotted us, walked over.
“Nem, I was just talking with Schön about things she created to help familiarize herself with the coalition members as well as categorizing the briefs. You should put her in charge of helping the new arrivals get up to speed.”
“That’s an excellent idea.” Nemesis looked at me. “Are you up for it?”
“Um, sure, ma’am.”
“While you’re at it, I think you should create another master list. One for couples and their status. Right, Oleander?” said Wren, who I hadn’t seen approach behind me. “She’s clueless.”
“True. I can’t keep up with who’s just shagging, who’s married, and who’s broken up. However, I have developed four hundred and seventy-seven ways to assassinate a target. Bet you can’t say that, Wren.” Oleander held up her hand. “Wait. I’ve forgotten who I’m speaking to. I’m sureyouhave more.”
“Does this master list include background information?” Flick asked, looking between Wren and Oleander, obviously confused by their exchange.
“Some,” I admitted, although I wasn’t sure how much of that I could share, given I’d added my personal opinion of those I’d interacted with.
“Everyone, sorry to interrupt, but I have one more announcement. Schön will be holding a briefing tomorrow for all new arrivals. She’ll give you a rundown on where to find the information you need to get up to speed.”
“Can old-timers attend?” Verity asked.
“Good idea. I should probably make it mandatory for everyone.”
My eyes opened wide, but Nemesis patted my arm. “Just joking. However, I will open it up to anyone who feels they need a refresher. How’s ten hundred?”
“Fine, ma’am.”
“Everyone hear that? Ten hundred sharp here in the situation room.” She turned to me when everyone went back to their conversations. “Magnet can help you get set up with A/V stuff. I’m horrible at it.” She leaned closer. “And as long as I’m not issuing a direct order, you don’t need to address me formally. Call me Nemesis or just Nem.”
“Yes, ma’am, err, Nemesis.”
I looked up at Magnet. His eyes were on mine, and he was smiling. Actually, he beamed.
“Argh,” Nem groaned and swiped her phone’s screen. “No rest for me.” She looked between Magnet and me. “Not for you either. Follow me. I just received the DNA reports. We’ll review them together. Oh, and Rogue should join us as well.”
Nemesis led us to the solarium and instructed Rogue to close the door after he joined us.
“Can you please…” She waved her finger at the switch for the screen, which Magnet lowered. Nem plugged her laptop into the port near it.
“You know you can?—”
Rogue stopped mid-sentence when Nem glared at him and motioned to the cord she used for connection. “Easier for me, all right?”
“Yes, ma’am,” he muttered in response.
“First, Francesca Vella’s.”
A report showing the matching marks between hers, Xavier’s, Pharaoh’s, and Mithras’ appeared on the screen. There was a twenty-five-percent match to everyone but Mithras, who had a zero match with Francesca.
“Next, we’ll add Charlene Vella-Borg.”
I couldn’t speak for anyone else, but I was holding my breath. When the next report appeared, the results didn’t surprise me.