Page 50 of Code Name: Magnet
I sighed. “Yeah. Okay. But for now, can you just give me an update?”
“Pinch Fulton put a team together and established a mission under Puck Lindstrom’s command. It includes a unit from MI6 as well as people from Decker Ashford’s firm—the Invincibles. According to the brief you haven’t yet reviewed, Ashford thought he had a lead on Seshat’s whereabouts around the time of Z’s abduction and rescue, but she was in the wind before Puck et al. arrived.”
“Who’s funding the Invincibles’ support?” I asked.
“The UN and SIS, with help from the CIA, who, by the way, have claimed part ownership of this investigation.”
My eyes scrunched. “They’ve claimed ownership outside of the coalition’s US task force? Why?”
Zeppelin shrugged. “Another question I’ll address with Ares. Anything else?”
I shook my head and closed my laptop. “I need to find Magnolia, review the assignment to reconcile Xavier Vella’s statements, then get myself on the bloody plane.”
He leaned forward and folded his arms on the table. “May I make a suggestion?”
“Of course.”
“I’ll let Verity know what needs to be done. She and Magnolia can work on it together. That way, all you have to do is let Magnolia know she’ll be assigned to assist Verity in your absence.”
Once I’d thanked him and forwarded my notes to him and Verity, I left the main residence and walked to the cottage. When I arrived, Schön and Rogue were sitting in the living room, chatting. Actually, laughing.
“What’s funny?” I asked.
“I showed Rogue a photo of the bunk beds,” said Schön. “And then we imagined how far off the end his feet would hang.”
“And you’re taller,” said Rogue, still chuckling. “It would be worse for you.”
If I were to stay in Schön’s chalet, I wouldn’t be sleeping on a twin mattress. Nor would I be sleeping alone. Not that she and I were in that kind of relationship—yet. “I’ve made arrangements for you and me to stay in a rental,” I said to Rogue. “It has three bedrooms, all with large beds. Schön, where you stay is up to you. It can be with us or at your place.”
“Don’t forget Macht.”
Something dawned on me. “We have an issue.”
Both Schön and Rogue raised their heads.
“You were seen with Macht in St. Moritz and Rogue on Gozo.”
“That isn’t an issue,” said Schön without further explanation.
“Go on,” I prompted.
“I told you Macht and I grew up in St. Moritz. While we didn’t know each other, no one knows that, so they won’t think twice about seeing us together. Even if Rogue and I are seen with Macht, it won’t be a problem. The only person I cannot be seen with is you. People there knew my parents and also the Müllers, who were my guardians for a while.”
“Right. I’ll talk this over with Verity,” I said more to myself than to either her or Rogue.
“I’ll go with you,” she offered when I turned to leave. “You know, just in case I have to help with anything.”
Her pink cheeks and sly smile made me want to pull her into my arms and never let go. How I wished I’d pushed for me to be undercover as her husband on Gozo. The idea that Rogue would have reason to touch her, maybe even kiss her when they were out in public, made every muscle in my body tense.
“Let’s go this way,” I said, motioning for her to follow me nearer the wooded area rather than on the open lawn. As soon as we were out of sight from everything but security cameras, I put my arm around her waist, then backed her up against a tree, covering her body from view with my own. Anyone watching the CCTV footage would know who the woman with me was, but they didn’t need to see the look on her face when I kissed her in a way I hadn’t yet.
I cupped the back of her head with my hand and used my other arm to tug her closer until our bodies aligned and I could feel her lush breasts crushed against my chest. I angled my head and took possession of her mouth. This wasn’t a simple kiss; this was me claiming her as mine. Schön’s arms wrapped around my neck, and when I let go of her hand and cupped her arse instead, she lifted her legs and wrapped them around my waist.
Knowing I couldn’t tame the rage of desire that coursed through me, I spun us so we were behind the tree, with my back up against it rather than hers.
Once in the more dominant position, Schön let loose, stroking my tongue with hers, tightening her legs around my waist, and pressing herself against me so hard that if layers of clothing didn’t prevent it from happening, my cock would be as deep in her pussy as I could get.
“Let go, dammit,” she said before thrusting her tongue in my mouth as if she was challenging me to a battle.