Page 54 of Code Name: Magnet
I opened both eyes.
“Coffee?” Magnet asked.
She nodded and walked toward the front.
I looked over at Magnet. “Thank you.”
He smiled. “My pleasure.”
I caught myself about to rub my right hand with the fingers of my left. “I tried not to say anything, but I must. Why are you acting this way?”
“Which way?”
My mouth pursed. “You know what I’m talking about. Don’t insult us both by playing stupid.”
He crossed his legs, resting his ankle on the opposite knee. “Schön, I assure you I’m neither playing stupid nor acting any way out of the ordinary.”
“Are you going to pretend the kiss and the, err, rest never happened?”
Magnet shook his head. “I am not.”
“Instead, you’re going to play games. Fine.”
He rested both feet on the floor and leaned forward, holding out one hand.
“Give me your hand.”
“Because I asked you to.”
I folded my arms instead.
“Schön, please.”
“Just say what’s on your mind.”
He scooted forward on the seat so his legs were on either side of mine, then rested his hands on his knees. “The only thing I’m sorry for is taking things beyond what either of us was ready for.”
He tilted his head when I tried to look away, waiting until our eyes met before continuing. “It has been a struggle for me not to touch you since the night we fell asleep on the sofa at the resort on Gozo. It isn’t about sex, Schön. It’s about wanting to hold your hand, cup your cheek, tickle your feet like I did that night. I long to make you smile—no, that’s not quite right. I want to hear you giggle. It’s become one of my favorite sounds.
“And then, I want to watch how your expression changes when an idea about the investigation pops into your head and you can’t wait to speak your thoughts but you’re too polite to interrupt, so you tap your feet until the perfect moment to raise your hand. But still, you don’t speak; you remain quiet, patiently, until someone notices. What you don’t realize is someone already noticed. Me, Schön. I told you before that Iseeyou. I notice, even when you think no one does.”
“Earlier, after I pushed us too hard, too fast, I said things between you and me are different. The way I feel about you, the way I think about you, the way I see you is all different than I feel about any other woman I’ve ever been with. And while you may think I’m an arrogant, egotistical arsehole for saying this, I am absolutely certain you feel the same way about me.”
“Um…wow. I’m at a loss for how to respond.”
“No response necessary. You told me to say what was on my mind, and I did. Except I left out something else that is very important.”
“What?” I whispered.
“You’re brilliant, Schön. Everything about you. Your mind, your heart, your beauty—all of it.”