Page 62 of Code Name: Magnet
“Backup unit?” I asked.
“Zeppelin is deploying a team now. As Macht said, they’ll arrive by morning. We’re not letting Ehren fuck this up. My gut is telling me this op is crucial in finding our A.”
Admittedly, my instincts were telling me the same thing.
“Until they arrive, you will have all the coverage you need,” said Macht. “The team I have assembled is made up only of people I trust with my own life.”
“What about Gebeiter?” I asked.
“I work for the coalition, Schön. Prior to that, it was for diplomatic support. I have not and do not report to Schmid.”
“Right. Sorry, Macht.”
I recognized the compound he pulled into. The property belonged to a Swiss diplomat who was a close friend of Baissier’s and a billionaire. “Herr Benzinger is out of the country,” said Macht, glancing over his shoulder at me.
“Nemesis made the arrangements, in case you’re wondering,” added Magnet.
“Through Baissier?”
“No, through Macht.”
The man glanced at me in the rearview mirror, and I smiled. “Thank you, Herr Persson.”
“You are welcome, Frau Baur.”
He pulled up to the front door, and another man opened it. “My team and I will remain on the premises until you say otherwise,” he announced once we were inside the residence.
I’d previously visited the compound with Baissier for some of the parties the Benzinger family hosted. While it looked cold and unwelcoming on the outside, the interior was the opposite.
“There are bedrooms up each set of staircases. Herr Benzinger arranged for the staff to prepare them for you and your team’s arrival, then dismissed them for the remainder of the time you are here.”
“Thanks again, Macht.” I yawned and covered my mouth as I said it.
“Good night, Schön. Sleep well,” he said, bowing slightly before walking out and closing the door behind him.
“Come on. Let’s get you to bed.” Magnet took my hand and led me up the stairs to the left. “Macht told me the best rooms are on this side,” he said, winking.
“I’m sure every room is lovely.”
Once upstairs, he led me down the hallway as though he knew where he was going, then into a room that appeared large enough to be the master suite. The fireplace was already lit, casting a warm glow on everything.
“His and hers?” he asked, pointing to one bathroom and walk-in closet, and then the same on the opposite side of the suite.
“So it appears.”
He carried my bag into one, then returned and picked up his own luggage. “I’ll be right in there if you need me,” he said, pointing to a door on the interior of the suite. “Macht said he thinks it’s where Herr Benzinger sleeps when he’s in the doghouse.”
“Magnet?” I said when he walked in that direction.
He stopped and turned to face me. “Yes?”
“Will you stay?”
“If that’s what you’d like me to do.”
“I would.”
When I’d prepared for bed and Magnet appeared to have done the same, we met back near the bed.