Page 79 of Code Name: Magnet
“Is there any additional information on the photo of Salvatore Rávdos, the woman, and Godwin?”
Ehren stood. “There was something written on the back of the photo, then erased. The only letters that are visible are C, A, and S.”
“First name starts with a C? Middle initial A? Last name Salvatore?” offered Oleander.
“We need to return to Gozo,” Schön whispered, but not quietly enough for Verity not to hear.
“I agree. You especially, Schön. Rogue, you too.”
“I’m in if you need backup,” Zeppelin leaned over and whispered.
“Appreciate it,” I whispered too.
“While Schön and Rogue may be the only two with a presence on Gozo, my opinion is we take as big a team as we can assemble,” said Oleander, standing.
I looked around the room at those nodding.
Schön took a deep breath, then stood. I did the same.
“Yes?” said Verity, cocking her head.
“The woman in the photo is someone I know personally.” The room went silent and still. “While I’m assuming she is our A as well as Francesca Vella’s oldest daughter, I know her as Mrs. Carissa Strousberg.”
“Verity?” I heard Nemesis say. “I’m going to request a short break. I’d like to confer with Magnet and Schön privately.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Verity responded, her eyes meeting mine.
“We’ll let you know when we’re ready to convene,” I said.
“Copy that,” said Nem right before her screen went dark.
“Upstairs?” I asked.
Schön nodded.
I set up the call, and Nemesis appeared on the screen. “I’ve asked the others here to give us privacy as well.”
“Thank you,” Schön responded.
“I mean no disrespect, but I must ask. Are you absolutely certain?”
“Excuse me for a moment?” Schön asked.
“Of course.”
I watched her walk over to where we’d put the items retrieved from the chalet. She set several items aside, then returned with a single unframed picture.
“Like Pharaoh, her mother didn’t like to be photographed. I suppose that should have raised a red flag with me, given she was a very beautiful woman. However, when I met her, I was fourteen.” She held up the image. “This was taken surreptitiously by another classmate at the boarding school. It’s from a distance and a bit out of focus, but you can still see the woman standing next to me looks very similar to the one in the photo with Rávdos and Godwin. And while it’s been three years since I was last with Mrs. Strousberg, I recall what she looks like in vivid detail.”
“Thank you, Schön, and please understand I wasn’t questioning you as much as I wanted you to be certain.”
“I am certain, ma’am.”
Nemesis took a deep breath and leaned forward slightly so she was closer to the screen. “We’ll need you to prepare a detailed brief of your interactions with this woman. Everything you can remember, down to the most minute detail.”
“Of course.”
“Next, I must ask, how are you feeling about your continued role in this investigation?”