Page 87 of Code Name: Magnet
“Prisca ‘Schön’ Baur, I love you.”
He chuckled. “What?”
“I’m not supposed to call you Justin.”
“It’s okay as long as I’m not in trouble.”
I smiled. “Justin ‘Magnet’ Magnussen, I love you too.”
Schön and I didn’t make love before we went to sleep last night. We didn’t talk about it either. Maybe, like me, she didn’t feel as if the timing was right.
I prayed that, after today, we’d have confirmed A was Francesca’s daughter, knew her name, and I’d gotten Charlene to talk enough to set her up for interrogation by somebody else. While I could handle some, it definitely wasn’t my specialty. Poseidon, though, loved it. So did Oleander.
The other thing I prayed for was that, after today, Schön wouldn’t be put in a position of danger again. At least as part of this op.
The woman was so fucking brilliant in the way she thought through things I could barely keep up with. There was no way I’d ever suggest she leave intelligence. Honestly, her doing so would be a travesty.
Getting used to the woman I loved being in danger would not be easy for me. I don’t know how Ares, Cayman, Poseidon, and especially Zeppelin did it. I’d have to find out because the last thing I ever wanted to do was hold Schön back or crush her spirit. I really felt like she was finally coming into her own. It would be incredible to watch where she went from here.
I looked over to where she was being outfitted by Verity. Schön would be wearing as much protective gear as she could while still maintaining her cover. The same would be true for me and Rogue. Most everyone else would be donning tactical gear.
“Stay alive, Schön,” I heard Verity say when she was finished prepping her.
“Come here,” I said, pulling her into another room, where we could be alone. “Stay alive, Prisca. Do you hear me?”
“Stay alive, Justin. I love you.”
“I love you, Prisca.”
“Are you okay?”Zeppelin asked when it was time for me to head out.
“I don’t know how the fuck you do it.”
“I’m truly amazing at many things. Many, many things, but are you referencing something specific?”
“No worry about Verity? God, I’m ready to crawl out of my skin.”
The smile left Zeppelin’s face. “Do you need to abort your task?”
“No. Jesus. I can do my bloody job, Zep.”
He put his hands on my shoulders. “Are you absolutely certain?”
“Yes. Come on. You know me. When have I ever aborted a task? Never. That’s when.”
“This is the first op you’re on that you’re in love.”
“You did it.”
“And you saw me in the aftermath. In fact, you had to beat some sense into me.”
“Nothing is going to happen to Schön. She’s going to be fine. She’ll get in, talk to Francesca, and get out. Me? I’ve gotta deal with Charlene. That’s way worse, right?”