Page 23 of Personal Research
Sex was a beautiful act, even when it was dirty and hot as hell. Why should stories that emphasized that beauty be ridiculed and demeaned?
Elena let out a long breath and closed her eyes. Who would’ve thought that just one reader’s opinion could reaffirm her belief in what she was doing?
Thank you, Jo. Thank you so much.
Buoyed by the note, she rose from her chair to grab the plastic bag that contained her lunch. Enzo always ate with his uncle on Fridays, and though he’d invited her along, she’d quickly dismissed the idea and reminded him she was on deadline. The novella was almost done.
On her way back from the deli, she’d stopped in at the post office to see if her author copies of her latest book had arrived. They hadn’t, but the tiny lipstick vibrator she’d bought online certainly had. Days early too.
She picked up the small cylinder and toyed with the discreet red tip. It actually did look like lipstick, if no one looked too closely. She couldn’t wait to try it out, but she didn’t want to try it alone. Somewhere along the way, she’d stopped thinking of herself as a solo entity. Even after the sort-of-fight she’d had with Enzo this week, she’d still thought of the fun they’d have with her purchase.
“Hello there, Elena. Happy Friday.”
She glanced up as Mr. McGinty stopped in her office door, to-go bag from the pub in hand. Without flinching, she rolled the lipstick vibe into her palm. She’d become a lot more relaxed these past weeks, and she knew exactly who to thank for that change. “Yes, indeed. Have a good lunch?”
“I’m stuffed, if that tells you anything.” He grinned and shook the bag. “Listen, I’m wondering if you’re planning on staying late tonight. I know you have been a lot lately.”
She thought of her desk and copier rendezvous—not to mention a particularly memorable one in the break room up against the Coke machine—and couldn’t believe she didn’t blush. Progress. “At least for a little while. Do you need something?”
“Getting new carpet in the office later today and I’ll have to leave the office unlocked. I’d like to leave the key with you, if that’s okay. Would you mind locking up after they leave?”
“Sure. Not a problem.” She started to inquire why he didn’t leave the key with Enzo, but that would involve her admitting she knew he had in the past. “I’ll make sure everything’s secure before I go.”
“Thank you, Elena. I knew I could count on you.” He dropped his spare key in her hand and with a wave, continued on to his office.
She stared at the key in her hand, then down at the skirt she wore. An actual skirt, to go with the pale peach top she’d chosen. She’d discovered she liked wearing sexier clothes when she had a man in her life that expressed so much appreciation for them.
Hmm, a vibrator in one hand, a key in another, and a well-appointed office, empty and available for their use. She rolled her tongue over her lips. Mr. McGinty’s plush leather chair would be perfect for the ride she had in mind.
She went back to her desk and tucked the items into her purse in the top drawer, then she sat down and discreetly worked her flimsy panties over her hips and down her legs. She squirmed against the seat, surprised how decadent the cloth felt against her bare legs. She’d just work herself up a bit to get in the mood for this scene.
And for her lover.
She smiled and started typing again. Being a bad girl was starting to feel really good.
Enzo swunginto the office to pick up Elena at six. She’d been vague on the phone, claiming a “rush job” for his uncle would keep her working past five.
What kind of rush job she didn’t specify, and she hadn’t seemed too interested in chatting, either. But she’d said she was looking forward to their date, so he’d pushed down his misgivings and plotted out what he would say to her.
He didn’t want to be too heavy-handed. That would just scare her off. Better to be calm and reasonable and honest.
He didn’t believe in casual sex, no matter how casual it had seemed at the beginning. Fun was fun, and he’d certainly enjoyed his share of several-night-stands. But that wasn’t how he saw Elena. He wanted more from her than that, and the time had come to tell her.
And if she said she only was in it for sex and friendship…
Well, he’d make do. The day he turned down amazing sex and an incredible friendship with a woman he wanted to get to know a lot better was the day he’d get his head—and his dick—examined. He would enjoy what she offered while he continued his subtle campaign for more.
He didn’t find her in her office or the break room, and from the looks of her empty department, she wasn’t in conference with any of her co-workers. Friday again. Everyone with any sense had gone home.
Last thing he wanted to be doing was roaming around like a hungry puppy, sniffing at vanilla-scented crumbs and missing his woman.
Scratching his stomach, he headed down the hall past his uncle’s office. He’d just check the break room once more. Maybe she’d been in the ladies’ room.
The door to his uncle’s office was open, just enough so he could see light from inside. Strange. His uncle’s car hadn’t been in the lot, and he never worked this late on Friday. Aunt Marge’s bridge club met on Friday nights, and she didn’t drive.
So who the hell was in Uncle Mike’s office?