Page 3 of Personal Research
Score two for Tall, Dark and Sinful. Zero for chastised sex bunny.
Without another word, she fled.
Enzo watchedher scurry across the room, wending around desks with a grace he doubted she gave herself credit for. He’d seen her half a dozen times now, and every time she stayed near the sidelines, never causing much of a stir or demanding any attention for herself.
His mouth twitched. Well, not outwardly anyway. Clearly she had a rich imagination, which made sense. She neededsomeoutlet. The damn woman had buttoned herself up so tight in her pinstriped pants suit, she must be ready to bust.
Too bad she hadn’t read the intent in his eyes. Or if she had, she’d decided not to respond. Maybe she needed some encouragement.
He certainly didn't mind being the catalyst to bring her fantasies into reality.
Sex in a closet. Hmm, that could work. He'd back her against the wall and wrap her legs around his waist as he fit himself inside her lush, full body. Her pussy would be soft and tight, and she'd know just how to move up and down to take him deep.
She wouldn't be a screamer. Not Bella. But she wouldn't hide her pleasure, either. He could almost hear her breathy little pants as she started to come.
At the unsurprising pulse beneath his zipper, he shifted more fully toward the printer. It wouldn’t do him any favors to be caught sporting a hard-on while he worked, though he’d had one pretty damn often since the first time he’d laid eyes on her a couple weeks ago.
He didn’t know her name, which was why he’d taken to calling her Bella in his mind. Bella for beautiful, for absolutely magnificent.
Bella forI’d love to fuck you senseless in a closet, on your desk, hell, even on the floor in the middle of the department.
He flicked his tongue along his lower lip, considering. Her office cube skirted the edge of the room, and she had relative privacy. For all he knew, she'd compiled pages and pages of erotic desires.
Perhaps she didn’t have a way to sate her needs, and she used writing as a release. Maybe she’d recently broken up with a lover or husband.
Enzo’s fingers tightened on the document he tucked under stacks of copier paper. No husband. He hadn’t seen a ring, and of course, he’d looked.
He wasn’t the type of man to be with a woman promised to another. If he had been, he could’ve pursued that sort of arrangement many times while studying in Tuscany.
But that wasn’t how he rolled. He believed strictly in the “old ways.” One woman, one man. Lots and lots of fucking.
Somehow he had a suspicion Bella wouldn't mind that arrangement.
Expelling a breath, he went back to fiddling with the printer. The thing tended to jam, which wasn’t a problem for him because he’d started coming by whether or not the printers were malfunctioning.
And they malfunctioned often.
The equipment was reconditioned and the law partners were cheap, despite the money the firm brought in each year. Besides, his uncle Mike—the McGinty of McGinty, Haylor and Smith—had no problem with his extra visits, because they often went out to lunch and shared a couple beers afterward. Uncle Mike just thought Enzo took his assignment as their newest remote IT guy seriously.
He did. He also really wanted to make love to the gorgeous redheaded secretary who said more with her eyes than most women said with their mouths.
Now the question was: how the hell could he make it happen?
She didn’t seem to know how to flirt. She definitely didn’t flash her cleavage or bat the dark curly lashes surrounding her light brown eyes. He couldn’t figure out if that was a plus or a minus. Games wasted time, and he had little patience for them. But a little playfulness never hurt anyone.
Maybe she didn’t flirt, but she obviously had plenty of delicious ideas floating around in her pretty head. One way or another, he had to figure out how to make her understand he was the man to help her live out her desires—and soon, because he needed some relief of his own pretty damn bad.
In the meantime, he’d just read a bit more of this hot scene she’d dropped under his nose.
He grinned and cast a quick glance over his shoulder. Blessed privacy.
Or relative privacy, as the drones were buzzing on phones and typing on keyboards all around him. But the area next to the printer was no man’s land, at least until he let everyone know the jam from earlier that morning had been fixed. He’d just hold off on that a bit longer. If he was lucky, he’d get through a few more pages before Bella came careening toward him with excuses falling from her luscious lips.
Luck.Just what he needed right now.