Page 31 of Personal Research
“So where else?” he said against her ear, rubbing his already growing erection against her thigh. “Since this is our last night to enjoy this place, we should make it good.”
She should’ve been shocked he could think about sex after being so spectacularly busted, but that was one of the things she adored about him.
Finally, she'd found a man who had as insatiable of a libido as she herself.
“I don't know, Enzo,” she said, hoping she sounded hesitant. “Maybe we shouldn't.”
“I want you.” He rubbed harder and her pussy pulsed. “Don't deny me.” He flipped up her skirt and slipped his hand between her legs. His eyes narrowed as he realized how wet she was. “You're such a little tease.”
“Mmm hmm.” Grinning, she took his hand in hers and brought it to her mouth, mimicking his habitual move. His gaze softened at once. “Come with me. I know of the perfect place. There's this really long, really wide table…”
She led him out into the hallway, then down the hall, stopping outside the conference room. Before she could say another word, Mr. McGinty rushed through the side door, waving a sheaf of papers.
“I picked this up by mistake.” He pressed them into Enzo's hand with another wink. He turned around as quickly as he'd arrived. His face was a sickly purple-red. “Goodnight and goodbye!”
Elena stared after her boss, then at Enzo when she caught him greedily scanning the papers he held.
What the hell?“What is that?”
Her blood rushed out of her head, pooling somewhere in the vicinity of the soles of her feet.Oh God. No. Please God no.She started to pat Enzo's pockets. Nothing.
“Enzo,” she gasped. “He didn't read?—”
“Never mind.” He ushered her into the conference room. If he didn't stop grinning soon, shesowas going to slug him. “Now, about that conference table…”
Elena stackedher glossy four-color bookmarks one more time and set them next to her plastic male torso keychains at the edge of her table. The one with the full color banner draped in front proclaiming E.L. Thomson as a “indie sensation” who was “taking the world by storm.”
Just thinking those words had her flushing. No one was going to show up. It was her first book signing at their local indie bookstore forSwells of Love,and she probably should’ve asked Enzo to slip passing customers five-dollar bills to at least come in and appear interested so she didn’t totally bomb this thing.
Her print publisher, Spark Books, had offered her a contract in print forSwells of Loveand another of her ebooks,Pulse, after sales had done unexpectedly well. Due to social media, there was a demand for her books in print.
She still hadn’t written her big blockbuster sexy thriller yet but more print contracts were definitely possible if sales kept up. And she’d finally realized just how much she was able to help people with her steamy, fun stories due to all the amazing reader mail she was getting. So many people had told her they were going through hard stuff in their lives andherbooks were making them smile and helping them to get through really stressful days and nights.
What could be better than that?
Elena bit her lip and glanced around at the few customers milling about Regal Books and not paying her table any mind. A few more were lingering in the magazine section and the café, but no one was even looking her way.
Perhaps the demand for her stories would end here, by the looks of things.
Good thing she hadn’t spent all her advance. She would probably be asked to return it. She’d have to take out loans or maybe sell some of her jewelry?—
She glanced up at the question. The woman who’d asked it had a phone sex operator voice and wore an overlarge plaid wrap, barely covering her “Kiss me, I’m Irish among other things” sweatshirt. She had wild dark hair that curled every which way and huge dark eyes that she kept darting in every direction as if she was evading the police.
Overactive imagination much?
“Elena?” she asked again. “You are Elena, right?” She indicated the banner.
“Yes. Do I know you?”How do you know my real name?
“Quite well, actually.” Her voice lowered. “I’m Kitty.”
“Kitty?” Elena gasped before covering her mouth. “Kitty Armor? My editor?”
“One in the same.”