Page 15 of Boss from Hell
Her eyes flared, reminding me of the expression in them last night. That flash of something. Was that fury or lust? My cock jerked to life in my pants and I dipped my hand in my pocket to hide the evidence of her drastic effect on me.
"You want me to take your dirty clothes to the laundry?”
“I did say that in English, didn’t I?”
A muscle ticked in her jaw. “Don't you have a housekeeper for that?"
I stood and took a few steps closer to her. She was so close I could just reach out and touch her. This was becoming a disease with me. This crazy desire for her.
I thought about the empire I had built. I built it over the best years of my life, giving it single-minded concentration. While all my friends were out playing, I was working. Always working. Without this… this… insane distraction.
Well, here was my chance to kill it forever. Goodbye, Miss Hudson. But even as I said the words, I felt terrible. The words were like ashes in my mouth. "Do you have a problem with doing that?"
She stared at me for a few seconds, her eyes giving nothing away. Then she shook her head slightly. "No."
I was shocked at the relief running through my body. What the damnation was going on with me? I wanted her gone. Of course, I did. So why the relief that she didn’t quit right then? Whatever that momentary relief was, I planned to kill it stone dead. I needed her gone. One way or another she had to go.
"I'll text you my address," I said and quickly turned away from her provoking presence. “Leave here after 2.00 pm,” I threw over my shoulder. That was when Mrs. Timmins, my housekeeper, and her staff left, and the house would be empty.
I heard the door shut quietly behind me. I opened the file she had brought and quickly scanned her work. I couldn’t find a single error.
I went to the window and looked down at the street below. She didn’t deserve this. What I was doing was not right. I’d never sent a personal assistant to my house to pick up my dirty laundry before. True, I was horrible to them, but only because they were terrible at their jobs.
A surge of guilt filled me.
Then another instinct seeped in. Self-preservation. There was no room for pity here. She was poison for me. Pure, unadulterated poison. The faster I got rid of her the better.
Chapter 8
Wow! He lived in a beautiful area. The garage doors opened remotely and I drove in. I looked at the plan of the house again, before I got out of the car. Choosing the right key from the ring, I opened the side door that led into the house and jumped back with fear and shock.
With my hand on my heart, I stared at two massive Dobermans standing behind the grill gate. They were both as still as statues but were snarling and growling so ferociously, they were frothing. One was even salivating. With their black lips pulled far back to show their sharp white teeth, they looked like demons from the pits of hell. They were truly frightening.
I didn’t know what to do.
Their stance was crystal clear: I was completely safe while I was on this side of the grill gate, but any attempt to breach it and they would have no hesitation to eat me alive.
What now?
I frowned. Should I phone Mr. Frost? Then… quite suddenly I knew exactly what to do. Mr. Frost knew the dogs would be here. He deliberately wanted to frighten me, which meant the sadistic monster was in all probability watching… I lookedupwards at the corners of the ceiling and quickly spotted the video camera. I made certain to keep my face deliberately expressionless. I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of seeing just how much he had frightened and shaken me.
“What would you like me to do now, Mr. Frost?” I asked coldly.
From the other side of the grill gate, I heard his voice come through some sort of intercom or speaker.
“Back down. Stay,” he ordered.
Instantly, both dogs moved. In unison and almost mechanically. They backed away and sat down, but never took their fierce eyes off me. I didn’t look at the video camera again. Even though my brain knew I had nothing to fear, these dogs were so well-trained that they were almost robotic, my hand was shaking as I put the key in the gate.
Show no fear, I told myself. Not to him, or the dogs.
Taking a deep breath, I opened the gate and stepped into the house. The dogs moved not one inch. Breathing slightly easier, but always listening for movement behind me, I moved deeper into the house. Once I got to the bottom of the stairs, I started to feel safe again, and I began to notice my surroundings.
Wow! What a truly beautiful house.
I walked up the majestic curving staircase and made my way to his dressing room. It was accessed through his bedroom. When I opened the door, I couldn’t believe my eyes.