Page 49 of Boss from Hell
I shrugged. “He never mentioned it.”
“It’s part of the best man’s duties,” she explained calmly.
I grimaced. “Is he expecting me to throw a bachelor’s party?”
She nodded and tried not to react though it was pretty obvious she thought I was the most clueless person she had ever come across.
To be honest, I didn’t give two fucks about the bachelor party. Chris’s wedding was the last thing on my mind. What I needed to sort out as a matter of urgency was to find a way out of the fucking bear pit I’d let myself fall into.
The plan had seemed like a good idea. In one weekend, Lillian would be out of my system. Except, she wasn’t. I wanted to fuck her right now, here on the plane. It had never happened before. Even now that I knew she was almost certainly poison. That confused the shit out of me.
“You don’t know where to start, do you?” she asked gently.
“Not really.”
“It’s okay. I’ll help you out,” she said, a teasing smile playing about her sweet mouth. “I’ll make you look like the most competent best man in the world.”
With that little tease, my cock roared to life and began to pulse painfully for her. My own lack of self-control irritated me.It was almost as if I was addicted to her scent, her taste, her body.
I nodded curtly… and her smile died.
As I turned away from that dying smile all kinds of unwanted and foreign feelings slammed into me. Protective feelings. Like the type I felt when that idiot came to tell her he saw her at the window. The kind of sensations I’d never felt for a woman, especially after what should have been an uncomplicated, no-strings-attached, dirty weekend.
I didn’t like or want these unfamiliar feelings.
I pushed them away violently and stared moodily at the white clouds. Even if there wasn’t the issue of her being a traitor, I didn’t want to have feelings for any woman. No thank you. I liked my life just as it was.
Business came first, second, and third.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend or upset you. I was just trying to help.”
I swung my gaze back to Lillian, and the expression of hurt on her white face made my stomach tighten in knots. For fuck’s sake! No matter how much I told myself she was no good, one wounded look from her and I wanted to punch myself.
I had no control over my hand when it reached out and touched a strand of her silky blonde hair, or my fingers when they trailed over the smooth flesh of her cheek. Only when my finger touched her trembling mouth did I realize what I was doing. I dropped my hand as if I had been burned by fire.
I took control of myself. I had two choices.
I could just confront her now, threaten to involve the police and scare her enough to make her confess. There was a good possibility though she didn’t really know who had hired her. It could have been a middleman making the transaction for some powerful entity. Which meant the opportunity to find out who my enemy/competitor would be lost.
The second option would be to pretend that nothing was amiss until I could smoke out the real identity of the person who had planted bugs.
There was no contest. The second option won hands down.
“I’m not upset with you, Lillian,” I said. “In fact, I’d very much appreciate it if you could help. I wouldn’t know where to start. I’ll text Chris and ask him if he wants a party. He is unpredictable.”
I quickly texted Chris.
He answered seconds later.
Hell yes!!
“Well, looks like he wants one,” I said, showing her the text.
Lillian laughed. “Of course, he does. What man doesn’t?”
I wouldn’t. I’d rather work than get plastered in a strip club in Vegas.
“You do know the rest of the best man’s duties? Like the best man has to make a speech?”