Page 83 of Boss from Hell
Could the same thing happen with Max?
Not while Paige is around, a little voice in my head mocked.
As we moved back to the reception, I found myself confiding in Maggie about Paige. I needed to let it out else I would go insane.
“I’ve learned not to jump to conclusions,” Maggie said sagely. “And to trust the person I’m with unless they give me a reason not to. If Max said that his mother set him up, I would believe him.”
“I want to so badly, but I’d hate to look like a fool. She’s everything that I’m not. She belongs to their family circle.”
“He’s not in that circle anymore and he’s taking you with him. If he wasn’t, then I’d be worried. I saw how that man was looking at you in church. Give it a chance and stop letting fear get the better of you.”
I inhaled deeply. “Okay. I hear you.”
Chapter 48
As soon as I had done my best man duties and danced with the matron of honor, I escaped. But Lillian was nowhere to be seen in the ballroom. I couldn’t spot her anywhere in the crowded bar either. Surely, she hadn’t left? Cursing under my breath, I weaved through the throng of people and made my way out.
Relief surged through me when I spotted her outside with Maggie.
“Are you leaving?” I asked when I joined them.
“Nope, she’s not leaving. Just me,” Maggie said with a smile. Then she turned to Lillian. “Thanks for inviting me. It was a beautiful ceremony.”
“Thank you for coming and keeping me company,” Lillian replied with a sweet smile.
I stared at her intently. Why couldn’t I stop wanting her? Just hearing that first contact had been made with the company we were using as bait had brought an avalanche of emotions. It wasconfusing and if I was honest, frightening. What should have been good news felt like bad news. I might lose her forever.
A car drove up and came to a stop in front of us.
“This is my ride,” Maggie said and hugged Lillian. “Talk to you soon,” she called and entered the cab.
It pulled away and I closed my arms around Lillian. “How about we make an escape too?” I asked, inhaling her sweet, intoxicating scent.
She laughed softly. “I’m not wearing any panties so that idea is very tempting, but I don’t want to be responsible for the best man disappearing.”
The thought of her sweet pussy being naked under that ‘butter wouldn’t melt in my mouth’ coy dress made my cock hard instantly. She had no idea how much power she had over me.
I slanted my mouth over hers and kissed her savagely, thrusting my tongue into her mouth and swirling it around hers. I ran my hands over her curves. I didn’t have the words to describe how I was feeling. But for now, she was mine. I broke away and stared into her eyes.
“You’re mine, right?” I asked thickly.
She nodded. “Yes.”
That was enough.
I crushed her mouth with mine and she melted against me. I had no idea what had come over me. All I knew was she was everything I had ever wanted in a woman, and no one was going to take her away from me. Tomorrow was coming, and fast, but right now… she was mine.
Some kids passing by, laughingly screamed, “Get a room.”
“It’s getting cold out here,” she said huskily. “Let’s go in and dance the night away.”
She looked so fucking beautiful I felt my stomach clench. We made our way back onto the dance floor. The first person we ran into was Chris.
“I was coming to look for you,” he said. “Jennifer is about to toss her bouquet and she wants Lillian there.”