Page 98 of Boss from Hell
“What makes you think that would be the case?”
“Because I’ve locked Jed Burner into a ten-year contract with Frost Industries, and without him, you haven’t got a hope in hell of turning that company around, especially when you’ll have me as a competitor.”
She looked at me defiantly. “I’m not selling. I don’t need Jed. I can find someone else.”
“The only reason you’re sitting here and not in a police station is out of respect for your father. I like him, he’s a fair man. We did good business together and I know he wouldn’t want me to destroy his favorite daughter, but if you’re smart you won’t count on my benevolence lasting much longer.
She bristled. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
I stood and walked to the window. The view was a sea of skyscrapers. Each one shining in the morning light.
“Your father built this company from nothing with his bare hands. He based it on honesty and hard work. If he knew what you’ve done, he would be embarrassed and ashamed. He’ll tell you, you won’t get far going the way you’re going, but worse you’ll ruin everything he’s spent his whole life building.”
I turned away from the window and looked at her.
“I’m the biggest fish in this pond, Elizabeth, and believe me, you don’t want to cross me. We had a one-night stand that didn’t work out, so fucking what? Get over it. Before I leave this office, you’ll have to decide. Are you against me or are you with me? Once I walk out of here, there will be no second chances. You will have to reap the consequences of your decision whatever it may be.”
She swiveled her chair around to face me. “Are you saying you will help me run my father’s company?”
I laughed. God, she was naïve. “No, I’m not saying that. I’m saying, choose between me leaving you alone to run yourbusiness in peace, or prepare to be crushed under my heel like a cockroach.”
She swallowed, then blurted out, “You can’t bully me.”
I walked over to where she was seated and stood over her. I could smell her fear.
“I have no more to say. Make your choice.”
“No, I’m not making a choice. I’m not your secretary begging to be fucked on your table.”
My smile turned nasty. She just did the one thing she shouldn’t have done. She brought Lillian into the conversation.
“You’ve just made your choice.” I began to walk away from her.
I had just touched the handle when she called. “Wait.”
I turned around slowly and looked at her without pity. I remembered her under me. Panting, desperate, her small breasts jiggling, and I felt nothing but contempt.
“Look, I’m sorry, okay. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done what I did. I’ll sell La Zaire back to you at the price I bought it for. I’m sorry.”
I nodded. “My lawyers will contact you.”
“Thank you.”
“Send my regards to your father.”
Then I was gone.
I walked into the elevator and waited for the exhilaration to come. It didn’t and my skin prickled with foreboding. My work was everything to me, if I couldn’t derive joy from it, what did I have? Nothing. Without Lillian, everything was meaningless.
I sent Chris a text.
La Zaire is ours
His reply came in immediately.
Whoop! Whoop! Who’s the master of this game?
Well played, Max. Showed her who’s boss.