Page 30 of Island Refuge
“Right? I was going to tell you last night, but I got distracted.” She aimed a wink at Travis. “Your news was more important to me.”
Guilt was a bitter aftertaste in Lila’s mouth. She had to figure out how to tell Gram the truth. And sooner rather than later. She’d been home only twenty-four hours, but the longer this went on, the more she abused that precious trust she’d been granted at fifteen, the harder it would be to heal the inevitable rift.
Would Gram even want to retire and hand over the family legacy once she learned about all these lies? Doubtful.
Lila felt a rush of heat flood her face. She should just tell her now. Tell her all of it and let the chips fall. If something happened, if the thief made contact, it would be a bigger challenge to convince Gram she hadn’t been in on it from the start.
But they were up and leaving before she found her courage. Outside, near Gram’s car, Lila hugged her tightly. “You’re sure you don’t want help tomorrow morning?” Lila asked.
“Of course not, my darling.” She patted Lila’s cheek. “Take your time, enjoy yourself. You deserve the break.” She smiled. “Go on and take your young man for a walk through the marsh.”
Connie sighed. “Fine. If you can’t stay away, come chat with me tomorrow. After noon. Any earlier and I’ll have Callie throw you out.”
“I have the right to refuse service to anyone,” Connie reminded her. “One day so will you.”
Travis pulled Lila close. “I’ll make sure we aren’t early.”
Her cheeks caught fire again at the not-so-subtle implication. Thank goodness for the faint lighting out here. “Drive safe, Gram.”
Connie waved. “I always do!”
Still, Lila watched until she was out of the parking lot. “You don’t think…”
“The thief has no reason to target your grandmother or the bakery.”
For any other client, she would accept it as truth. But Travis didn’t know the whole story about her parents. No one did. She had to tell him, if only so he would let her tell Gram to be watchful.
She wrapped her arms around her middle and stepped back only to catch herself as she heard another group nearby. “Let’stake that boardwalk path.” She slid her hand into his. “The marsh is completely different at night.”
“If you say so.”
She led him around the restaurant and down the path while night birds called to each other. Within a few minutes, they could see the Charleston skyline in the distance, dotted with glowing church steeples. “I have to tell Gram all of it. I can’t keep lying,” she blurted out when she was confident they wouldn’t be overheard.
“Is that what’s been on your mind all day?” He tucked a curl behind her ear.
“You don’t have to do that,” she said, turning away. She leaned into the railing, staring out over the dark maze of grasses and water. Something splashed nearby and a frog croaked.
“Do what?”
“Be so nice when we’re alone.”
“I can’t keep up the lie, Travis. It will ruin everything. She likes you. And she loves me.” Lila shivered under the weight of her past. “She loved me when my parents didn’t have the time or inclination. She believed in me when I was a bad bet. If something happens, if the thief does anything and she hears about it, that trust is damaged. I—” Her breath hitched and it took her a second. “I don’t want her to ever doubt her decision to raise me as her own.”
“Shh.” He covered her hand with his. “I had access to your background check. Where is this coming from?”
“My parents.” Now she hiccupped. Good grief she was an adult, not a toddler. She pulled herself together. “I wasn’t trying to hide anything from you. Or anyone. It was the way you looked at me on the yacht.”
“Like you were guilty.”
He squeezed her hand, then moved closer, drawing her up against him. “I know you’re not a thief.” He turned her into his embrace, his hand moving up and down her back. “It didn’t take long to understand it was a coincidence on the yacht.”