Page 50 of Island Refuge
Travis’s shout carried over the sounds of the engines, wind, and water. She waved her arms overhead. “Here!”
A bright searchlight hit her and she squinted against the glare. A few seconds later, a life preserver hit the water with a slap. In two quick swim strokes she reached the device and the team on the boat reeled her in.
Over the many voices and fragments of conversation she could hear from the people on the ferry, she caught Travis muttering about how he was going to kill her if she survived.
It was such an absurd and relatable complaint, she was laughing as they helped her up the ladder and onto the deck.
“Is this hysteria?” he demanded.
“N-n-no.” Her teeth were chattering and she suspected hypothermia was a better diagnosis.
He wrapped a blanket around her shoulders, pulling it closed right over her heart. Covering her head with a towel, he started rubbing her all over to get her warm.
She snuggled in close despite his obvious temper. He was mad and that was unfortunate. She did feel bad about upsetting him. Felt worse about having a desperate criminal for a father. But she was so glad he was here, without any bullet holes, to be angry at her. “I’m sorry.”
He glared down at her and she figured he understood that her apology was for pissing him off, not for taking the required action.
Behind them, rescue boats raced in, their search lights sweeping the water.
“I can’t believe you did that,” he accused. “What were you thinking?”
She didn’t want to explain she’d been trying to keep her dad from killing him. This wasn’t the place to discuss her unpleasant family ties. The worry and temper in his gaze told her hewouldn’t appreciate her logic no matter how many solid reasons she gave. “They’re off course,” she said instead.
“What?” His brow puckered.
“The rescue boats.” Her teeth were chattering, making each word an effort, but she persisted. “They need to move downstream. He surfaced and started swimming for Charleston,” she added.
Travis immediately relayed her information to the ferry captain who got the message to the rescue teams on the river. Within minutes, she could hear the boats changing course and the lights sweeping the search area adjusted accordingly.
The man with dark hair spoke to Travis. “We’re clear to move downstairs. Logan is waiting.”
Travis nodded. “Lila, this is Brett Robinson. He and Logan Harris are with the Guardian Agency.”
“Your backup,” she murmured.
“Backing up both of you,” Brett interjected with a smile radiating warmth. “Excellent work on neutralizing the threat, Lila. You’re a hero.”
Neutralizing her father, she thought glumly.
“Thanks.” She didn’t agree, not even a little bit, but it seemed rude to argue. “You stepped in and protected Travis.” Overcome, she shifted out of the blanket and gave him a hug, recalling too late that her clothes were soaked. “Sorry. But really thanks.”
Brett nodded briskly. “Let’s get downstairs. It’s warmer.”
Travis draped the blanket over her shoulders and led the way into a crew-only access area. Brett followed right behind her. The engines were noisier down here, but it was definitely warmer.
The three of them squeezed into a cramped room, joining a plain-clothes detective with a badge hanging around his neck and the man who’d tackled the woman on deck. Between them, the woman sat, sullen and grim, staring at her handcuffs.
“She had a knife,” Lila remembered.
“We’ve got it,” the detective assured her. “Detective Bradley,” he introduced himself.
“Lila Copeland,” she replied. She turned to the other man. “You must be Logan?”
He smiled, extending his hand. “That’s right. Helluva move out there. Glad you’re all right.”
“Thanks.” She avoided Travis’s gaze. “Calculated effort.”